2 | to be continued, captain

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*time skip* 6 months later

Y/n spent the past 6 months grieving her parents. Well, not necessarily grieving them, but grieving who they could have been. Grieving the life they deprived her of...the normalcy she craved. She felt lost. Directionless. But, Levi's words still echoed through her head. 

She needed to keep going for someone. Even though she only just met him, she would use the thought of him to drive her onwards. She would join the Survey Corps. She would live with purpose and fight the very creatures that would threaten the possibility of a bright future. 

She received a confirmation of her enlistment in the mail and she let a small smile etch across her face. Her new life began now. 

She went through orientation with the 104th cadets. Keith Shadis screamed in her face but she didn't flinch a bit. Little did she know that the years of abuse would make her an incredibly resilient soldier. 

She followed the cadets into the cafeteria and took a seat. Y/n only grabbed a piece of bread and a tea..she couldn't eat with the combination of nerves and excitement that ran through her body.

A boy with emerald eyes sat down next to her. 

"Is this seat taken?" he asked with a warm smile.

"No" she replied shyly. 

He sat down and gestured for his friends to follow. A small blonde boy with bright blue eyes, and a pale brunette girl. She was beautiful. 

"I'm Eren" the green-eyed boy said. "And, this is Armen and Mikasa" he said gesturing to the blonde boy and brunette girl respectively. 

"Y/n" she replied.

"What made you want to be a cadet?" Eren asked curiously.

Y/n thought about it for a minute. 

"I just want to do something meaningful and give myself a bright future. How can I achieve that until the titans are dead?" she pondered.

"I want to kill all the titans" Eren agreed enthusiastically. "They slaughtered my mother and I need to take back our freedom beyond these walls." 

"Eren!" Mikasa scolded. "You don't have to be so loud."

"You? Kill all titans?" a boy chirped from across the dining hall. "I'd like to see that."

It was Jean. Y/n remembered him from Shadis' yelling session. He said he wanted to join the military police to live among the interior. 

"You're one to talk" you spat. "I'm sure there's plenty of titans where you want to be in Wall Sina." 

Eren stifled a laugh. "Have fun living your cushy lifestyle in a cage Jean. I'll be out here actually doing something with my life."

Jean's eyes flared with anger and he stood up ready to swing on Eren. 

"That's enough" a stern voice bellowed out. It was Captain Levi.

"Levi" Y/n whispered. 

He locked eyes with her for a second before opening his mouth to speak. "Now you brats better settle down or I'm adding ten laps for everyone in training tomorrow." 

Everyone in the room collectively sighed. 

"Sorry Sir." Jean said nervously.

"Won't happen again" Eren added. Although, Y/n had a feeling that it would.

"Miss. L/n. My office after dinner. Don't be late" Levi barked. 

Oh shit. Y/n thought. This can't be good. 

Dinner seemed to fly by after that outburst. Y/n nervously hurried her way to Levi's office, remembering it from when she spent the night 6 months earlier. She knocked on the door and stood nervously awaiting her Captain. 

"Enter" Levi said sternly. 

Y/n opened the door and saw Levi sat at his desk signing some papers. 

"Sit" he said. 

She went and sat at the chair opposite his across the desk. She gulped.

"Are you afraid of me cadet?" Levi asked and chuckled slightly. 

"N-no sir" she said. 

"It's Levi in here, but out there, it's Captain. Got it?"

"Yes, Levi."

"Good girl."

Y/n felt heat rush to her cheeks at his words. He was so confident but held such an apathetic attitude at the same time. It was incredibly alluring.

"You must be wondering why I called you in here" he began. 

"Yes, sir. Um, Levi. Why did you call me here?"

His eyes softened for a moment. "I just had to know. How are you, Y/n?"

Y/n was taken aback at his words. She didn't expect him to care how she was doing. I mean he saved her 6 months ago, but surely he's saved many. 

"Um, okay as I can be given the circumstances" she managed. 

"Are you still having the nightmares?" he asked.

"Uh...yes, Levi. I'm afraid I've been having those my whole life though, sir."

"I see."

"Did you feel safer when you were here with me?" he asked.

She thought about it for a moment. She did feel safer. I suppose having humanity's strongest soldier around would make anyone feel safer. It was almost a silly question, when you think about it. 

"Yes, of course" she said. 

"That's what I thought cadet" he replied. "Now, I am going to offer you something I've never offered any soldier here before."

She breathed in nervously. What could he possibly have to offer?

"If you ever feel unsafe, I want you to come to me here. Any time. Do you understand cadet?" 

"Yes, Levi. Thank you sir, but why? Why offer me this?" 

"I know what it feels like to be alone cadet and frankly, I think this would help the both of us" he said matter-of-factly. 

"Also...you are insanely beautiful Y/n. I would be foolish not to want to spend more time with you."

His words shocked her and sent a jolt of heat to her stomach. 

"Captain, I-I'm really not" Y/n said nervously. 



He stood up from the desk and walked around to her side. He leaned over and placed a hand on her cheek. 

"You are breath-taking. Until you see what I see, I won't hesitate to tell you so" he murmured softly, his breath against her ear. 

Y/n let out a gasp as his closeness and tried to hide the red filling her cheeks. She glanced up at him with longing eyes. He truly was beautiful. His toned body, his undercut, that unforgiving stare. His hand released her cheek and she reached for him. She placed both her hands on either side of his jaw and pulled his mouth to hers. 

A jolt of electricity filled her body as their lips collided. She closed her eyes tight as she savoured the sensation of his lips on hers. He kissed her back just as eagerly. She moaned softly into the kiss and he let his tongue invade her mouth. Their tongues collided and she bit down lightly on his bottom lip to intensify the kiss. He let out a stifled moan. She broke the kiss and stood up.

"I really should be returning to my dorm" Y/n muttered. And just like that, she left the office. Smiling to herself as she returned to her room. To be continued, Captain. 


for the sake of this book, let's pretend that the cadets already picked survey corps after completing orientation 

as long as i am here, no one can hurt you | levi x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now