18 | the other woman 🍋

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Y/n mingled with Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, and Sasha while Levi hung around Erwin and Hange. Y/n avoided Petra hoping she wouldn't have to deal with her for the rest of the night. It was quite entertaining to watch the drunk antics of Sasha and Connie. They were taking turns trying to catch pieces of shrimp in their mouth by throwing it to each other from across the room. Y/n had a smile on her face as another piece of shrimp went flying and bounced off of Connie's chin onto the floor. 

"Damn! I missed again. One more time, c'mon now" Connie shouted. 

"Quit wasting food!" Sasha whined, but she readied her arm up to throw another nonetheless. 

The leader of the Military Police glanced over at them and Connie and Sasha proceeded to act as though nothing happened. 

"You guys are the least subtle people on earth!" Jean let out a loud laugh. "You're killing me!"

Y/n lost track of Levi as she heard him excuse himself to get something from his office. She loved her friends, but she was starting to miss having him at her side, so she considered meeting him in his office to surprise him. Y/n waited a few minutes before she found her feet leading her to his office.

"I'll be right back" she called to her friends as she exited the room.

Y/n reached the hallway of Levi's office when she heard whispering coming from the room. She was confused as to who else would be in his office considering the majority of the regiment was in the banquet hall and began to approach the door slowly.

She poked her head in the open door only to find Petra kissing Levi. Y/n's eyes locked onto the scene unfolding in front of her. She would expect Petra to pull something like this of course..what shocked her was when Levi began to kiss back. 

She felt her heart drop in her chest and she ran out of the corridor until she ended up outside. The cool air of the night sent a chill down her spine, but she couldn't even focus on that right now. All she could see was the image of Levi kissing Petra in her head over and over again. 

Of course she was foolish to think he was serious about her. Why would he be? Y/n felt like she was going to throw up and she did. She wiped her mouth after she finished releasing the contents of her stomach onto a small bush in the yard. 

"Fuck" she said out loud. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm so fucking stupid."

She smelled tobacco in the air and sensed a presence nearby. 

"Y/n?" Eren asked.


"Want a drag?" He said, offering her his cigarette.

"Yes" she said, taking the cigarette between her lips. The tobacco helped cancel out the lingering taste of vomit in her throat. It wasn't much better to be honest, but it would have to do. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I-I don't want to talk about it" Y/n managed, trying to stop herself from breaking down. "Let's just say, I saw something I didn't want to see."

"Here" Eren said, offering her a flask. "Drink."

Y/n gulped down at least a couple shots worth of the liquor. She felt it warm her chest as it went down. Whiskey. She thought. 

"I don't know what to do" she said. 

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Distract me" Y/n said. "Make me forget."

"How could I do that?"

"Let's go to my room."

The tension was thick as Eren and Y/n walked silently to her dorm. She hadn't spent much time here since she got with Levi. They stopped in front of her door and Y/n began to lean in to kiss Eren. Just before their lips touched Eren said, "aren't you with the Captain?"

as long as i am here, no one can hurt you | levi x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now