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Third person POV:

Bakugo and dekus were just on dekus bed,they were just watching an almight film after all of dekus begs to watch it for the 100 times. Deku was laying on Bakugo's chest while Bakugo had his chin on top of dekus hair,he noticed his hair smelt very sweet like strawberry,but to Bakugo the sent was addictive,Deku noticed and giggles from him keep on sniffing his hair

"Kacchan..! What are you d-doing" he says through giggles

"Am I not allowed to smell my boyfriends hair now,hm?" He says with a smirk,

Deku laughs and blushes slightly still not used to the name 'boyfriend'

"But why Kacchan,why you smelling my hair so much?" He says curious and confused

Bakugo doesn't speak for a few moments but soon mumbles while his face was in Dekus hair "Because it smells good nerd."

"Oh! I bought a new shampoo! It's Vanilla truffle and strawberry sented it smells good!" Deku says smiling

Bakugo chuckles before kissing his forhead "Yeah it dose,"

They carry on watching the film while they both talk throughout it cuddling one another,but soon enough interrupted by Aizawa knocking on the door and coming through he chuckles and smiles at the scene,

"I don't mean to ruin yours two fun but its getting late,you'll have to get going soon, Bakugo,"

Bakugo rolls his eyes, "can't I just sleep over my parents dont care."

Aizawa sighs "It's a school night for one and we've got to try and get Izuku into a routine it'll be better for him your more then welcome to sleep over on weekends but not school nights," this makes Deku pouts slight before speaking up,

"I don't need a routine I'm fine as I am," he says in a quiet voice

"Izuku,I know you want to be with Bakugo but you do need a routine it keeps you in track,and it'll make everything that little but easier kiddo,"

Bakugo sighs he didn't want to leave Izuku but he knew what Aizawa was saying was kind of true it would be better to be in routine,

"He's right nerd,It would help you for you to be in routine your life has been a little on the wild side at the moment and some regulation will benefit you," Bakugo says while frowning slightly,

"Awh! But I want you to stay..." Deku says quite disappointed

"I know love,but its going to help you and that's what is important," he says,

"Fine.." deku says upset

Bakugo chuckles slightly "Don't look so upset its not like were never going to see eachother again,I'm going to see you at school,and then I'll come over again tomorrow I'm just not sleeping over"

"Mhm..okay Kacchan,"

Bakugo kisses deku slightly before smiling,"see you Tomorrow nerd,"

Bakugo says before leaving his room as Aizawa follows "Thanks Bakugo I don't think he would of even let you go if you didn't help,"

"Mhm,whatever," He says in his normal not carring tone Aizawa could tell he was still pissed he wanted him to leave,

"It's late you want me to drop you off home?" Aizawa says with a sigh

"No,my mum will pick me up"

"Alright,bye Bakugo," Aizawa says

Bakugo just respond with a grunt before leaving the house he hated leaving Izuku he felt like he wasn't there to protect him,he knew Aizawa and Present Mic wouldn't let harm get to him,but he still felt the need to be there and protect him with all his heart,

To be continued

I haven't updated this in like 5 months now because I just feel like this is pretty shit and not worth working on so I was just going to stop with this story and deleting it or smth but I'm not sure now and I think I will keep on continuing but unsure,

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now