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Izuku's POV: (time skip next day)

I slowly wake up as my alarm plays my Spotify playlist loudly, making me groan in annoyance since it took so long to fall asleep last night as I was nervous about today and didn't fall asleep untill about hafe past 4

I let myself wake up for a second until I finally decided on getting up
I could hear Mic and Aizawa moving about around aswell and they argued about something about pancakes? I shrugged and laughed slightly and carried on getting ready for school

Kacchan was meeting me here while Mic and Aizawa was going to give us both a lift to school because I was scared on going into school by myself not knowing what everyone was going to say to me and tell me how disappointed they are in me due to doing what I had done and how messed up I was and Aizawa and Mic didn't like the thought of me going alone

I finished putting my uniform on and made my way to the bathroom

I threw some water on my face, put some soap onto my hands, and washed my face thoroughly, drying my face with a towel after, then grabbing my toothbrush and paste, brushing them quickly brushing my hair after

"Izuku!" I hear Aizawa calling me

"Coming!" I shouted back, putting my hair brush away, quickly putting deodorant on and making my way to the kitchen

'Good morning, kido!" Mic says while putting some papers and a laptop in his bag rushing about

"Good morning," I say with a groan tired

Aizawa was plating up some food and then placing some on the table

Aizawa muttered a morning with a yawn, and I smiled in response

Aizawa smirked at Mic, then looked at me

"Hey, izuku..." He asks with a small smile

"Mhm?" I was confused

"Okay, are thin pancakes or thick pancakes better?" He asked seriously

"Erm thin, I guess?"

"HAH, TOLD YOU THEIR BETTER IDIOT!"Aizawa says, shouting to Mic


I start laughing, fully laughing my head off it was funny them arguing about something so stupid as a silly meal

They both looked at me, nearly dying from laughing, and both started laughing and smiling aswell

"O-okay, okay, you gotta eat before school, izuku" he says, still slightly laughing


Finally, I updated this lmfao

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now