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♡ Izuku's POV:
- talk about abuse

"What happened?" He says with a serious look, placing his hands on both shoulders

"I-I" I look down at the floor, debiting whether to tell him everything, but on the other hand, my mum will kill me, literally

I don't say anything at all it was silent. You could hear the clock moving from downstairs it was that quiet

He sighs and gives me a half smile, trying to give comfort through his face

"Well, look, problem child,"
you can see him trying to gather his thoughts on what to say to me as my eyes start to swell

"Anyone can tell that all this was not from just a slight slip like you said," I look away from him as a tear drops down my face,

"Okay, Midoriya,I saw your mom at the hospital okay,she didn't care about that you where hurt did she..?"

It went silent again until I slightly nodded my head


He nodded his head to acknowledge me

"Midoriya, please, can you answer this then.?"He asked while I slowly started to face him again,

"Midoriya, did your mum do this? Does she hurt you?"He says with a sad but serious face

I didn't say anything for a few moments

"...Y-yes.." I mumbled slowly, nodding my head also

I start to bawl, not knowing what to do if she found out I said anything I would be done for

"Come here.."He says, pulling me into a hug as I collapsed into him, not able to keep myself together anymore,


"Shh...its okay,you're okay now," he says, rubbing my back slowly

After a while of me just crying into his shoulder, He speaks up

"Hey, kido,do you know where your mum is now?"

"D-drinking, i-in t-town." I stay in between sniffing coming from myself

"Okay,okay,how much does she do this to you..?" He asks, refuring to the wounds across my body

"W-whenever she's mad,drunk,w-when I do some b-bad,just bad m-moods,or Whenever s-shes bored.."

He just nods his head slowly, still hugging me

"Problem child, you are not to stay here." He speaks up

My eyes widened

"No...i can't t-theres nowhere e-else for m-me to go and she will get a-angry and I shouldn't of told you anything she said not to say anything to anyone at all shes going to kill me!"

"No, Midoriya, listen to me she will not be allowed anywhere near you anymore she is not going to hurt you ever again, okay?" I start to bite my lip slightly. I was so scared she will find me, and she will hurt me worse than ever before

"And you are going to be staying with me and present mic, and that is not up for debate, Midoriya."

"But -" I get cut off

"No buts, Midoriya, you are going to say with us you can not stay here!"

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora