Not another

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Classic's POV

It's only been around a week after that kiss with Horror. He acts like nothing happened and is just so friendly but it feels so.. Awkward around him now so I've begun avoiding him. In my feats of avoiding him today I've found myself slipping onto the balcony however quickly I would realize I'm not alone after slipping the glass door shut and turning as I watch smoke pool up into the chilled autumn air. Dust, the hood over his head and silence made that obvious though before I could take my decision to turn back he would speak. "Classic" he him the word as if certain it was me and not anyone else. Opting to join him since I've been caught I would walk closer and lean into the metal railing beside him, just distant enough to avoid the smoke of his cigar. I used to smoke, back in my high school and early 20's. Pap made me get help for it after he realized I was doing it. My thoughts were cut short when I heard another word leave the silent individual beside me. "What are you doing out here so late?" Dust quiz smoothly through his raspy deep vocals.

"Just wanted some fresh air" I reply with a reasonable lie. Dust seem to take the reply into consideration before he nod and speak again. "Want one?" He inquire lightly before I shake my skull. "No thanks, I gave up smoking awhile ago for my little brother" I admit as my eyes trail to the covered skeletons face. Despite being covered by a layer of shadow from the hood Dust's eyes always seemed to pop out amongst it with a light glow. Eventually my eyes would trail to his white gloves, they never seemed to come off. Without thinking a set of words would slip from my lips "why do you always wear those?" I silently quiz. They were one of the things unexplained unlike his scarf, I learned early on why he rarely took the scarf off his person seeing as it was the last thing left from his brothers untimely death in a drunk driving accident.

"The gloves?" He smoothly repeat before he continue. "Are you really curious over such a small thing" he remark with a light scoff. I felt a slight uncomfort build in my ribcage, about to take back my question however his next words would cut me off. "You want to see?" He quiz as his skull would move to tilt towards me, his hues trained on mine. A short nod would escape me as curiosity build in my bones. He would release a small breath of smoke before pulling his cigar to his lips and resting it between them, then working at pulling the edges of his gloves down and the gloves off his skeletal fingers. What I saw simply baffled me. Burns littered his hands. He simply snort at my contorted face as his next words ring out with amusement "it's nothing honestly, I just burned myself when I was a kid and the scars kinda stuck, figured they were to definitive and ugly so I cover them up" he smoothly admit. Meeting the skeletons eyes I would then shake my skull "I don't believe scars truely can be ugly Dust, they're simply part of who you are and once were" I murmer through the cool air as a small cloud of breath pile in front of my mouth from the cold atmosphere. Dust would only grin and take another drag from his cigar lightly blowing it into my face causing me to cringe in slight disgust. In my distraction I hadn't noticed how close he grew, his warm hand making contact with my frigid cheek leaving a shiver to run up my spine. He wasn't hardly far from my face and the gap filled quickly as his lips would press into mine. Surprise would bubble in my chest threatening to explode as it started to ache. After a few beats he would finally pull away and turn away again as he hum. "Thank you" I could hear him whisper before I left back inside the flat trailing back to my room. Flopping into the bed I could only groan and hug my pillow as I whisper "Not another.. This can't be real can it.?" I simply shake my skull and curl up drifting into my own thoughts.

yes, yes it is, and don't stop yet there's already another chapter coming, I have ideas finally :).

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