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I awoke, but not in the dark concrete cell I had before. I was on a bed, in a room, I tried to sit up but winced in pain remembering the torture and how much I'd broken. Someone walked in, I smelt, food? Is this a dream..? A skeleton with pearly bones walked in with a tray, they wore a light purple turtle neck and tan jeans. "Oh my you're awake I'm glad" they hummed happy setting the tray on a side table next to me and sitting down as they rubbed my skull "I'm glad th boys took a bad toll on you I apologize for that". This isn't a dream is it? " Am I dreaming..?" I murmered aloud as they gave a giggle and slowly it disappeard faded to black and I actually awoke. I still felt sore as I slowly sat up to see a black bones skeleton, he was dressed in all a black hoodie and black ripped jeans. It looked like he'd made improvements because half the sleeves of the hoodie where blue stitched with red thread and he wore a blue scarf. "ThOsE iDiOtS wEnT tO hArD oN yA" he grumbled annoyed then pulling me to his lap and slipping my shirt off, I had no oppose as I couldn't move. He began to wrap my body with pristine bandages then dulled by blood. I felt myself fall back asleep and snuggle into the skeletons embrace as he gave warmth and I'd been horribly cold.


I finished bandaging and gently rubbed the smaller skeletons face, he'd curled up in my lap and fallen asleep, god he looked terrible after that torture the murder time trio put him through. I groaned and picked him up as he shifted in my arms and I walked out to my room. Once there I opened the door and set him on my bed. I shuffled through things and pulled out my sewing stuff, his clothes where torn up from them so I'd make him new ones with nothing better to do.


Sans woke a few hours later with a groan as he stired and sat up, stinging pain still pulsating though his bones as he looked around confused. ’A Room? Not the cell? Is this another dream? ’ Sans thought to himself then looked to Error who had drifted on leaning on the bed next to him. Sans felt curiosity build up in him but he stayed silent gently kissing Error on the head and looking to the box on his lap. It had a note saying sorry, Sans opened it to find new clothes. He reluctantly put them on thought they where comfortable. Sans now wore a light tan turtle neck the shirt made out of a fluffy cotton like yarn, the shirt was to big on Sans but he didn't mind the sleeves being long and the neck being poofy enough he could hide the bottom half of his face in it. Next was the pants, they had been made out of old blue jeans, soft on the inside making sans purr in delight. This guy wasn't so bad only the others, Sans had thought then he jolted heard a voice "WeLl ThE sHiRtS tO bIg BuT iLl AdMiT yA lOoK cUtE".


I turned to see the glitchy skeleton as I had flared to a bright blue blush from the compliment, something I wasn't used to. " Cute!? I'm far from it!"
I'd snap as he gave a glitchy chuckle and stood. "I sEe YoUr FeElInG bEtTeR tHoUgH bOsS iS gOiNg To Be PeEvEd".
I felt myself shiver then he spoke and picked me up "LeTs GeT yOu SoMe FoOd, YoU lOoK wOrSe ThAn A sKeLeton".
I rolled my eyes as h carried me out into the dark halls and I felt myself shift closer to the glitch, I was terrified I may be brought back to that cell and torn up again. To my surprise no one had shown up yet, I let my body ease as I rested my head on his chest. He then set me in a chair and began getting out food, then I heard it, a low growl from around the corner. I slipped out of the chair and his behind the island counter as the glitch turned to see who it was " WhAt Do YoU nEeD hOrRoR"
he'd hiss unammused. "Just heard you cooking! You're cooking is much better than Killers so I came to b the first for fo- Error, I smell him, don't tell m you- Boss is going to kill you if he finds out"
Horror had whisper yelled the last part as he walked around the corner catching his eyes on me as I shrunk back. He snorted and pulled me up "Calm it shrimp I won't kill ya less ordered".
He gave a hum though I was not reasured by his words.

Eventually the food had been finished and a paper plate containing some scrambled eggs and toast rested on it. I felt my mouth water but brushed it off and looked up " Thanks uh-,"
I drew a blank for any name "ErRoR".
He'd said calmly as I nodded " Thank you for the food Error"
I gave him a warm smile as I watched him turn his head and grumble a few things. I quickly dug in as did Horror soon being full as id been picked up like a child once more by Error, I'd given a yelp struggling "I can walk you know!" .
He only rolled his eyes walking to his room but quickly I'd been pulled up to the ceiling by strings as someone walked around the corner, it was a new skeleton, one wearing a black hoodie with yellow fur and designs on it then black ripped up jeans with chains. "Move ou' tha way dumbass"
the skeleton hissed shoving past Error making him glitch "YeAh YeAh DoNt Be A bItCh FeLl".
They flipped each other off as Fell walked off and I was dropped back to Error biting my tongue to keep in any sound as I fell to Error's arms " What the hell"
I whisper yelled then a scream rang though the house Error going to his room practically running as he shoved me under the bed "StAy BoSs ReAlIzEd YoU'eR mIsSiNg".
Error hissed and ran off while I grumbled not to long after I found a few boxes under his bed ones with knitting then, a gun! I listened slowly for any noises then slid out opening the door carefully and looking out as no one was in the hallway I crept out soon I heard yelling from what I assumed to be the living room and past it I could see the front door, I was so damn close. I checked how many I had, 3, I'm screwed if I miss a shot. I took a deep breath and rushed out shooting the large goopy skeleton as I rushed past he yelled in pain and I shot Killer followed by Fell. Error gave a sympathetic look while I ran to the door and escaped dropping the gun.


It'd been two weeks since Sans was kidnapped and he hadn't reported back to work only been going to therapy for the event. But Sans still often wore the comfortable clothes Error made for him thinking about the glitch and at points the other skeletons. He was fascinated with them in a way.

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1253 words :) hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be updating my other books soon!

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