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All I felt was coldness as I slowly awake from my forced sleep. I was tied up, not dead? I'm not dead? The hell do they want with me. I felt myself growl as I heard the door open to reveal a large skeleton who'd worn a bloody dull blue hoodie with yellowed fur covered in just as much blood, he wore black gloves and black jeans that lead to you guesses it back shooes. Last I look to his face, a hoddidly wide grin etched on it, his one red eye with a incredibly small pupil and huge hole in the side of this monsters head, he looked lik he'd seen worse than hell.
I could feel shivers run down my spine as he approached with a wide grin "Well now~ boss is gunna be happy your awake"
his voice was deep and gave a rough almost strangled sound, he then gave a chuckle walking out as he slammed the door. I huffed and untied myself rubbing my spine as it still ached, I then escapes to a corner near the blind spot of the door. While moving I found multiple weapons torture tools even. I held my breath as I heard the door open clinging to the wall as I heard a growl erupt into the room one you'd hear a demon make in a movie then shouting "WHERE IS HE!!?"
Sans felt his bones creep as if he had skin with new goosebumps. Then a chuckle, a chuckle? The being walked in turned on a light and slammed the door as I cowered away quickly. His eye locked with mine, I feel frozen, I then caught my eyes on people behind him, more than before, there was six.
"What do we have here~"
He spoke a sinister grin creeping onto his boney face.
"Well Horror you didn't fail me Dust did"
The figure looked back at one of the people behind him. I took this chance running and shoving him over as he tumbled knocking the others over and I grabbed at the door, but quick as it happened my waist was grabbed yanking me back, I yelped in pain while the "leader" I assumed now pulled be close with his tentacles. A low hiss came from him "So that's how you're going to be".
I'd now been thrown into a wall harshly, my spine ached more that before, I could hardly move while I shivered still attempting to stand, I felt like a sheep against mountain lions, they where more than wolves. " Killer, Dust, Horror punish him as you wish just don't kill him yet".

They seemed excited as their boss left and I got to see who they where, they all matched who I'd seen before. The first hole head (XD) I'd guess Horror though terror fits better, the next was a bit shorter, having a grey blue hoodie yellow fur attached, then black basketball shorts that had a white steipe running down it, he also wore black shooes and had black tar like goop running down from his void like eye sockets, I'd assume Killer since the last skeleton has Dust on him, ironic. Last was a skeleton who wore the same as Killer just with a grey hood and no fluff, his hood was pulled up and he wore a pure black baseball cap, his eyes shone showing his heterocromia eyes, his left was a white eye light and the right was a red outline being filled with a deep purple blue color.
They approached me as I snarled backing farther to the corner despite my bodies plead for my to stop moving. "Say what should we do first?"
Horror hummed in his gruff tone then Killer spoke "I say we cut him up!"
Killer gave a insane giggle while Dust rolled his eye "Why not tie the lil shit up first so it don't attack us".
He hissed while the others considered then I was grabbed by Horror yanked roughly onto a meat hook that wrapped around my high ribs. I struggled kicking around then a sharp barbed knife thrown into my leg by Killer. I howled in pain but kept my tears in as I glared at them.

It'd been hours now and they where finally done, they'd cut me up, bruised me, and treated me like a rag doll breaking few bones. Killer walked over as I was panting, he began to lick blood from my bones as I shivered and kicked him off. He hummed ammused seeming to like the taste, he'd kept it to himself and went off with the others leaving my hung up and bloody. I spat out a clump of blood then hardly yanked myself off of the meat hook, in the process I broke my rib off screaming in pain. "Fuckin hell..." My body ached and I passed out. But now I had an escape.

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834 words :D hah yeah I had to add a warnings chapter this book has issues.

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