a kiss is just a kiss right?

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3rd POV.
Sans woke up, it'd been around a month he'd lived with these serial killers now knowing each personally. Horror was someone who loved baking and gardening with anything soft. Dust liked calm music and science studies though he was incredibly good at any gambling game played in the house. Killer liked sparing with Cross and pranking the others while cross liked sparing and chocolate with Uno. Error likes knitting no surprise and sewing as well. Last id the leader Nightmare, classic hasn't seen much of him but from what he's seen nightmare likes coffee, a lot of it and listening to the others when they need it. Classic would give a soft him as he stood out of bed walking to a dresser and pulling out some given clothes. He'd slip on the clothing before looking over at his bed. Surprisingly within the month Sans had become more of a tidy person, making his bed and cleaning the floor as he'd started to develop OCD with certain things. He'd finally give a satisfied sigh and stare to his doorway. He'd walk over as his hand gripped the golden piece of metal and turned it pulling the door in toward him then walking out pulling it behind him shit again. It was around 6 so just an hour later Horror would be waking up to make breakfast for everyone.

Classic POV.
I'd hum rubbing my thumb against my lower lip before grinning. I'd walk over to the kitchen and begin getting out things from the cabinet. I still remembered an old recipe my mother had taught me before she left. It was chocolate muffins and I was quite good at making them just have to make sure I have the right things. Around an hour later I'd Huff rubbing the back of my sleeve against my forehead before grinning and putting the muffins into the oven as I'd then shut the steel door. I'd jolt as I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist pulling me into someone's chest. My cheeks burn with blush as I'd look up to see whoever may be holding me and to my surprise it was a very shirtless Horror looking down at me. His voice would be groggy as he'd speak out softly within the deep tone that seem to always captivate me "what are you doing out here?". Horror asked curiously though he felt a little to close as I'd look away pulling at the collar of my shirt as I'd reply " n-nothing j-just baking?m-muffins for everyone" I'd end up sputtering out. He seemed to notice the flustered state and grin softly teasing "stealing my job now are we~?" His voice would purr out in a hum as he'd lift me onto the counter now face to face with Horror. He'd be uncomfortably close, only a few inches away as I'd vigorously shake my head no in reply. His grin only seem to widen as his face inches closer then. Within a second a felt a warm pair of lips press into mine causing me to freeze. The room felt to hot now as the kiss went on forever before Horror would pull away his cheeks only half as red as I'd imagine mine to be now. He'd smirk staring at me as I seem simply baffled on what to do. Instead of saying anything I'd hop off the counter and skitter away to my room hiding within its confines. H-he didn't mean to kiss me right? Maybe he was just joking? But he held it a little to long to be just a joke.. God what the fuck is happening to me. I'd groan out irritably as I'd roll onto my back holding a fluffed pillow. That couldn't have meant anything, a kiss is just a kiss, right?

End of chapter~ here's a long awaited update my lovely folks sorry about that but happy birthday to the author because my birthday is on the 14th so hopefully I'll get more chapters out soon!

{Love Can Lie Behind Mystery~}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें