His Crime

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Sans slowly woke rubbing the tired from his eyes as he stared around his mess  of a room. He hadn't been to work in a week, not since the incident. Truth be told he'd been trying to find more on his skeletal capturs. He was infatuated with them, how they worked and why one would be so kind as to help him and not try to stop him as he left. Sans groaned, slumping over as he sat up then walking over to his paper covered desk. "SANS!" a voice call out from the bottom of the stairs outside Sans' room "SANS PLEASE COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM I'M WORRIED!" Called his brother. Sans had locked his door and not come out, not only avoiding work but also his brother. He decided to stand, glancing at his documents upon the table then walking to his door, turning the knob till he heard a click. An indication that it was now unlocked, he pulled the door open and walked out shutting the door behind him. "Pap's I'm going to the coffee shop I'll be back soon" called Sans as he pulled on a thick brown coat and a pair of slip on black shoes.

Off went Sans, pulling himself into his car and mindlessly driving to the coffee shop he'd been to a million times before. He soon felt his hand on the cold handle of the store door, pulling it open and walking in as a bell rung above him. He walked to a table and sat as he short human woman with thick brown hair, brown eyes, and rosy lips walked over "What can I get for you today sir?" She questioned in her soft feminine voice. "Just a thing of black coffee" he request as she nodded and walked off to the counters. Sans looked out the large window beside, and it finally hit him. In a city full of innocent people these murderers are choosing certain people, higher up folk usually humans with a few rich pricks of monster kind. He'd kill one of those rich pricks to get their attention again. He smiled a deep glow emerging in his eye lights before he was inturupted by the women walking over and setting his coffee down "here you are sir, please enjoy". She spoke lightly and walked off leaving the bill for him, he paid and left with his coffee trying to think, who would be their next target? Well it's obvious really Mr. Times, a rich asshole who's become a millionaire recently, the police department had gotten complaints from him about something weird in his house recently. He chuckled slumping into his car as he drove to Mr. Times.

" So you're telling me that you think I'm going to be murdered detective?" the old plump man ask nervously though trying to imply he hadn't a care. "Yes I believe a gang of murderers will be coming here tonight to kill you, I'd like to stay here and supervise to prevent such a thing" Sans speak out his widdled lie. "I see, I'll have my maids prepare you a guest room near mine" The man state as he let Sans in "Make yourself comfortable I will be in my room if you have any trouble". Sans nodded giving a warm smile to the man, one of gratitude before the man walked off. Sans brushed his finger up and down the blade of the knife lingering in his pocket, his white lacey gloves just barely standing the sharp seraded indents as to not rip a hole in them. It had come to night and Sans sat in his room, his elbows rested on his spread legs " It's time" he whisper. Only Mr. Time and one maid had known of Sans' arrival, he'd killed the maid awhile ago, easily hiding every bit of evidence before going to Mr. Times room with a knock at the door. "Mr. Times may I come in" Sans request "Of course you may" called back the man as Sans walked in arms behind his back as if properly walking. Mr. Times was sat down not playing attention giving Sans the perfect chance to kill him. So he walked over and stabbed Mr. Times in the back, ripping the knife down as the man cried out in pain blood gushing around. Sans chuckled as the man died, he set Mr. Times down on the ground on top of the stabbed maid as he half undresses the two "An affair between the maid and house master" he pull a small stand of red curly lock from another maid out of a bag and dropped it near the two. "With a favorite maid as the convicted murderer". He hummed and looked at the window staring at 3 skeletons who'd been stood there wide eyed at the sight. Sans waved " goodbye boys" he whisper loud enough for the skeletons to hear as he walked out closing the door leaving blood on the handle.


That's it for this chapter~ enjoy~

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