The Six Of Them

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3rd POV           

Sans sighed in relief "Really king fluffy buns"
Sans grumbled, after a long while of talking on the case. Sans returned home from work now so confused as all he'd found for leads was a puddle of black goopy stuff at one of the crime scene. These people where dangerous and needed stopped but with no lead he'd need to start searching harder. The next day Sans had done his usual routine as before then went to work right away he was met by Ink, Dream, and Swap. Apparently the departments "best FBI" to was they looked like children.
Yelled a small skeleton who wore a white shirt, black jacket, a horribly tied tie, black jeans, and boots to make him appear taller. It was obvious this guy was childish while the others, they looked just as naive yet they gave off a look of having much more maturity then they let on for people to see, a smart choice as you seem like less of a threat to an enemy till near. Sans finally spoke after analyzing the skeletons as his eye lights focused "Sans, may I assume you come to me because of a case I'm working on".
Sans felt his body ache as he felt, uncomfortable.. Around these skeletons. "OH WOWIE! WONDERFUL TO MEET YOU! WE'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT HOW GOOD YOU ARE! WE ARE HERE FOR THE CASE! WE'LL BE WORKING TOGETHER FOR NOW!".
The skeleton yelled more as Sans groaned backing up, this Swap fella was louder then Pap if even possible "Yeah we'll have any leads?"
Sans spoke starting toward his office. "Wow not even a bit of manners just right to work huh"
spoke the yellow skeleton Sans assumed to be Dream. "I'm not here to make friend"
Sans growled lightly only catching it after he'd done so. He sighed and rubbed in between his eye sockets while the rest where quiet and he opened his door going to his seat and looking at the three all coated in sertain themes fitting their names really. "I'll ask again have you found any leads?"
Questioned sans as Ink spoke up "Oh Yeah! We found some fake fur in one of the windows of the first crime rooms, we plan to analyze it maybe for a store I could have been bought form or maybe some monster monster".
Sans nodded "Alright how soon will it be done"
Sans' eye lights once again focused on the skeletons in front as they sat down. "OH IT SHOULD BE DONE IN 2 HOURS! GIVES US TIME TO KNOW EACH OTHER!".
Blue giggled reminding Sans of what you'd think a little gobblin would sound like. Quick as Blue had talked Sans was being dragged out of his office and into a car currently headed somewhere. Sans just sat in the back thinking as his head was leaned onto his arm out the window of the moving vehicle.

Hours later Sans was walking well more being dragged as he heard someone's phone go off. " Oh that must be the results".
As Ink answered his face showed high panic as he suddenly dropped his phone "Wow wow what happened Ink?"
Sans questioned as Ink gave a low whisper "The killers, they're watching us... ".
Ink went silent while Sans tensed placing his hand firmly on the gun he'd shoved into his jacket pocket while he looked around. Dream and Blue had been comforting Ink while Sans moved them to a hidden area in the mall he'd been dragged to, now under one of the balcony you'd usually look off from other stores for a second level. He now spotted it a figure dressed in black smoking next to another one who'd been incredibly large still in black and now talking to the smoking one. ’They're out of the usual’ Sans thought to himself.


I looked to the skeletons who'd looked as if someone shot them and gave a heavy sigh. "Head into a store I'll be back soon" I urged as Ink, Blue and Dream looked to me but didn't give any fight as they walked into a random store and when I had my chance of disappeared behind some shoppers heading up stairs. ’If they seem normal I'll play it off as a light warning from a customer that it's a no smoking zone’. I found myself leaning on a pillar near them listening, they smelles horried like decaying meat or blood, it made me want to vomit but I sucked it up and was silent.

(1 Smoker)"You know it was stupid to scare em, Boss said to just watch em for now a get em off the trail"
Who I'd assumed was the smoker grumbled then listening for the second voice.
(2 Large)"Yeeeah but it was funny seein' the twerp scares, looked as if he'd piss himself "
The second one burst out laughing while the smoker just groaned throwing his cigarette down and stomping it out. Sans had no time to move as suddenly a knife had been placed against his neck while he stood still as if frozen in stone.
(?)"Well well~ spying isn't very nice is it~ why don't ya say hi~"
Chuckled the low voice next to me.
"Oh please"
I'd pulled out my gun and shot him in the leg while he yelped in pain lightly grazing his knife against my next while he pulled away.
(3)"Why you little!".
The skeleton hissed, I could already tell his friends where behind me on defense. I growled to myself, ’So these are the guys, idiots I'd say’ Sans jumped up onto some railing of the second level as he analyzed the three, ’one hurt and the other two pissed great’.
I grabbed at the closest large skeletons hood falling back on the railing. The hood broke and now I'd had fabric but a greater problem. I landed on a good stand and groaned, something on me was surely broken but I had to get out of here with this evidence before they could kill me. I rushed out of the mall falling to a alleyway covering my mouth to catch my breath silently. A figure formed in front of me and I mentally cussed myself out after blacking out.

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1046 words >:D hope you liked it sorry for non existent updates on pirates I'll try to update soon <3

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