{Murder Full Of Secrets}

636 27 9

3rd Person.

It was early in the day a light bit of orange rays leaked into the room as Classic layed lightly snoring then came bursting in was his brother with a huff of annoyance and his usual squeaky yet familiar tone ''SANS! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BONES YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!''.
This made Sans wake with a tired chuckle and smile as he sat up ''Alright alright paps I'll be down in a minute let me get dressed''.
Sans spoke sleepily with his sluggish motions of getting up. ''YOU BETTER BE DOWNSTAIRS IN 5 MINUTES SANS!''.
With that said Papyrus marched out closing the doors leaving a sleepy sans to then drag himself out of bed ''Ah jeez Paps I luv ya but you gotta be a bit more quiet ima go deaf at this point''.
Sans hummed while rubbing the bags under his eye sockets. After snapping and getting his "uniform" on though it was more of just the thing that was nicest to wear in his closet.
Once all dressed Sans went down to see his brother cooking breakfast for them, it always made him smile. "Hey pap"
Papyrus chirped happy then plating both they're food and setting it down "QUICK EAT UP OR WE'LL BE SURELY LATE!".
Papyrus began eating the food himself quickly nearly getting it all over as Sans sat and ate, well mostly he never ate to much really. " Well Papyrus I'm going to head off see you when I get home"
So Sans did as told scraping his food off his plate into the trash then grabbing the lunch and his work bag quickly heading off into his car to work.

Papyrus had always assumed that Sans worked at the local bar, he'd never know otherwise as well since Sans had kinda black mailed grillby the bar owner into saying Sans worked there. Sans' real job had been as a detective, though he wasn't well known amongst public due to Sans' wishes he was highly sought out for big cases. Like one now, Sans had just walked into his office dropping his bag with a large thump as it hit the floor and he sat rubbing his head. His pin pricks then focused on the file in front of him "probably just another easy case".
Sans grumbled picking the file up and flipping though it, though quickly he paused as he read more into the file. It had been titled 'unknown killings'.
There was a pattern in all these, all victims had looked almost alike in ways. First a child around 12. The gender was unknown but they had worn a hazed greyish blue shirt with pink stripes that day, followed by tan shorts and no shoes. The child's eyes had been closed, forcefully it had been assumed, they had a pale completion and a short Bob cut with deep brown hair. The next victim looked almost the same, having multiple bandages now bloodied by the fresh blood, they wore black jeans and a black with red striped shirt. The rest had been scattered with the occasional child that looked almost the same. "What was their motive here?"
Sans thought aloud while practicality mortified, but he took a deep breath and spoke more "it must be multiple killing to have this many victim, they also probably have an inside person somewhete to be getting the info for all the victims, they also look thrown together sometimes messy so it's not entirely planned, maybe it's a cult? No no signs.. ".
Sans sighed as someone walked in causing Sans to jolt up his pin pricks flickering to a glowing blue and yellow.

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Any way hope you like the chapter! 653 words!

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