Not so bad

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3rd POV

It'd been a painfully long 5 minutes. Killer had begun to get antsy. Rolling on the back of his heels while his blade still loosely hang next to Sans' neck. Right as Killer was to say something Nightmare would cut him off "Why should I believe that this isn't a trap of sorts". The skeleton would hum in a silent ammusment. Sans was half surprised Nightmare would even ask in consideration. He'd then return a swift reply.
"Because you have blackmail on me, I killed that man did I not? I'm at the same standards are you in this societies screwed up justice system so I'd be in just as deep as you". Sans was right, he was indeed a criminal now and could be easily just as guilty as these serial killers stood before him. Nightmare took another minute before nodding. He'd mutter something to the others before they'd nod in return. Sans rose a brow before he was suddenly lifted on his feet with a subtle yelp. He'd looked up and it was Error! Sans' face would turn a light shade of blue while looking at the skeleton before he'd stare away. "I can walk" he'd huff out softly as Nightmare stare back.
"Not with a blindfold" Sans was confused till he felt a cloth grip his skull wrapped over his eyes causing it to go dark. He'd bite his lip still unsure if this was truly safe.

Around an hour and a half car ride later with chattering between unknown tones and the haziness of sitting in presumably Error's lap Sans had fallen asleep. When he awoke the cloth was gone and layed back in the room he'd memorized in his memories. This was where Error slept. Sans would shift about before standing, his foot steps were cautious despite now being here as a guest of the killers he then feared. Sans would slowly turn the golden knob of the wood framed door and open it towards himself. He'd then peek out into the hall, the soft humming and buzz of voices seemed to come from where he presume the living room to be after his first visit. He'd softly close the door and begin his way toward the room, the golden light leaked into the dim hallway. Sans had to squint for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the new light level. Sans was finally noticed in the open hallway as evident by the familiar voice calling his over. Sans would walk in and begin to study all the killers. Nightmare as he'd been called was a tall skeleton with a goop like substance covering him head to toe, he adoned 4 tentacle like appendage on his back that would shift and wave around. Nightmare wore more professional looking clothing, a black button up with the top button undone and sleeves rolled up and matching grey washed out jeans. Next to him was Killer, a white boned skeleton with a tar looking substance leaking form his eyes causing streaks on his cheeks, his eyes were also void of anything but black. With this killer was in a black sleeveless turtleneck and his own black jeans where chains decorated them and the target in front of his chest. Next was Horror, he was taller than the others with large bones a matching white however. He had a large crack in his skull broken in right above his right eye socket, in the socket was a crimson eye and small pupil where the other socket was dark. He wore a large fluffy blue jacket with white fur on the hood of it. Next to him was Dust, a skeleton just shorter than Nightmare who wore the hood of his grey jean jacket and black jean pants where a few chains hung from them. On another couch was a skeleton who looked to be a living oreo... Wait.. He was new but.. Sans had seen him somewhere before. Another reporter who'd gone missing months prior, he was dating Dream at the time and no evidence was found for his case so it was simply closed and forgotten. Sans shook his head lightly and proceeded to analyze the Oreo. Cross was a bit taller than Nightmare but still shorter than Horror, where cross wore a outfit similar to Killer's however he had a black hoodie with fur for the hood tied around his waist and the edges of his shirt seemed sliced up and torn. Last was Error, god it was good to see a friendly face. Sans would slip over beside Error. His head falling limp on the taller skeletons arm as a breath he didn't know he was holding was finally let out. Error's hand hesitantly slipped to Sans' back, rubbing it in a subtle motion. The others would bicker and talk like a family. It was near comforting to know these killers were like normal when home, of course they were they were still people despite how stereotypes perceive serial killers. Sans felt himself smile as he simply listen, unbothered now as he'd fall into his rest. Maybe this isn't so bad.

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