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Three years later in the United States

Arshi's Paradise

Khushi bustled about, setting up their new home. It was more than just a house; it was their home—the place where she and Arnav would build their life together. She affectionately called it their "choti si duniya," their little paradise for family gatherings and cherished moments.

"HPji..." Khushi's voice echoed through the spacious rooms.

HP, their ever-loyal servant, hurried over. His life had taken an unexpected turn three months ago when his Arnav bhaiya surprised him by sending two tickets and a visa to the US. And The invitation for Arnav and Khushiji's wedding. HP had never imagined that his master would reach out to him after leaving Delhi.

Yet, Arnav's kindness didn't stop there. Before departing, he had personally ensured that HP and his brothers secured jobs. Arnav's generosity knew no bounds.

Now, after Arshi's grand wedding, Arnav asked HP if he'd like to continue working here, in the US with them. HP readily agreed. And next instance, he and his wife found themselves living in a cozy outhouse adjacent to the main house. Together, they managed the household chores of the Arshi paradise.

As HP rushed in from the garden, he addressed Khushi with respect, "Ji, Khushi Bhabhi…”

Khushi turned to him, her eyes bright. "Is everything ready for today?"

HP nodded vigorously. "Ji, Bhabhi. I've checked everything, and Sumati is busy preparing the food."

Khushi's smile widened. "Shukriya, HPji."

Despite Khushi's newfound fluency in English, at home, she remained the same Khushi—the spirited woman he remembered from their days in India. 

Khushi paced back and forth, checking her wristwatch, continuously. "Where is he? Why hasn't he arrived yet? That workaholic won't even notice the world around him," she muttered under her breath. Her red autumn woolen plaid dress swirled around her, and Arnav couldn't tear his eyes away. She was adorable, a blend of determination and impatience.

He cleared his throat, breaking her reverie. Khushi spun toward him, her eyes wide with anticipation. Her radiant smile and the sparkle in her eyes—it was the same every time he returned from the office. Even after two and a half years of courtship and two months of marriage, her welcome remained unwavering, much like Mithu.

Khushi dashed toward him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "Finally, you're here! I've been waiting for you, Arnav. I don't like it when you work on weekends too."

Arnav relaxed in her arms, finding solace and warmth. To him, Khushi was more than a wife; she was his world, his Mithu. He explained, "It was important, Mithu. No one else could attend that meeting. Aman had to care for Ritika, Meera was with an emergency patient, and Aryan was looking after his pregnant wife, Imlie."

Khushi's muffled response came, "Okay."

But then, something tugged at Arnav's pants, demanding his attention. Biting his lip, he called out, "Mithu..."

Khushi hummed in acknowledgment, savoring the closeness. As Arnav attempted to break the hug, Khushi tightened her hold, unwilling to let go. Their little paradise was complete, and in each other's arms, they found their haven. 

And then, their puppy, Ario Singh Raizada, lost patience. It barked, demanding its share of love from Arnav.

Khushi broke the hug, glaring at the little thing. She pointed her finger at it. "You, Ario Singh Raizada, jealous fellow! I can't even hug my husband without your interference. Remember, I have more rights on him than you. I am his wife."

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