Part 23

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Arnav was still sitting in the same position, with his head now down, Aryan and Aman sat beside him, and Aman kept his hand on Arnav's shoulder,  "Calm down, Arnav. Khushi is safe here. Why are you worrying now?"

Arnav looked at Aman, with pain in his eyes, "What have I done, Aman? I put Khushi in hellfire. It's all my mistake." He was too hurt by whatever happened today and the dots he connected made him sadder, looking down he kept muttering the same. He put Khushi on the fire where that man stayed. What if he had done something wrong to her?

Aryan asked him in disbelief and not understanding the reason behind Arnav's self-blaming, "What are you saying, Arnav? You didn't do anything wrong. Why are you blaming yourself? And for what?"

Arnav, vulnerably glanced at him, voicing out his grief, "I took Khushi with me to Raizada mansion, the same place where that man is living. Don't you get it, Aryan? He could have done something to her. I risked her life, her safety. Don't you see how much Khushi despises him? And that man may have done something with her and that girl didn't even understand anything. What have I done? It's my mistake." His vulnerability turned into anger, he was furious with the possibilities and in anger, he pushed the table in front of him with a force.

Aman was shocked and held Arnav's hand tightly, stopping him,  "Arnav, calm down, first of all. Stop blaming yourself. You are protecting Khushi, not risking her life since her accident. Nothing bad happened to her. It is just your doubt that Shyam jiju could be Khushi's ex-fiance. Even if it turns out to be true, you didn't know that before so it is not your mistake. You are taking good care of her. So, stop blaming yourself." Aman was trying to put some sense in his friend's brain but Arnav wasn't agreeing with him. He’s too busy blaming himself. What if something had happened to Khushi? They wouldn’t be even aware of that if he did something. 

Aryan turned towards him and made Arnav look towards him, "Arnav, look, now when you doubt him, you are taking precautions like making Khushi stay here. You kept bodyguards for her before knowing anything. You are doing everything humanly possible, Arnav." He consoled him. He did everything possible to protect her. It isn’t his fault if Shyam was indeed the one who harmed Khushi. He shouldn’t be held guilty. It's not good either for Anrav or Khushi if Arnav went on a guilt trip. 

Arnav bowed down again, shaking his head denying to accept anything and the feeling of helplessness was killing him. The thought of someone hurting Khushi was hurting him too much, "I hope he didn't do anything to her while she was staying in RM. If he did then, I am solely responsible for this. And I won't ever be able to forgive myself for this. Already, I hurt her enough in the past, and this one will be added to it. I won't be able to face her ever, Aryan." Arnav rubbed his palm on his face, trying to ease off this feeling. Alas! Na, he couldn’t. 

Aman and Aryan together stopped him from stressing out more, keeping his hands away from his face, "Just stop it, Arnav."

Aman sat straight, trying to convince him again, "If you remain like this, then how will you take care of Khushi? She needs you the most now. Even in this trauma, she accepted you, it's you who made her calm. Do you get it or not? Stop going on guilt trips, at least for Khushi."

Arnav just nodded his head lowly at Khushi’s name and stood up, and started pacing in the room, he raked his finger in his hair, and thought something, "You are right, Aman, I should do something to protect her. " 

Aman and Aryan kept looking at his movement wondering what he was talking about.

Arnav took out his mobile and dialed someone, waiting for that person to pick up the call, "Hello, ASR speaking."


"Listen, Rohan, I want every minute detail of Mr. Shyam Manohar Jha, his past, his family, every hell thing about him, and yeah even Khushi Kumari Gupta, her real parents, and her ex-fiance."

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