Part 36

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That's when everyone heard another voice, "Otherwise, what will you do, Mrs. Jha?"

Anjali was shocked looking at him, and whispered, "Chottey?

Arnav made Khushi stand properly, cupping her cheek, he asked her worriedly, "Tum thik ho?
(Are you okay?)

Khushi's eyes met his concerned brown eyes. His health was not good and yet he came here and now asking her whether she was fine or not which she should have asked in the first place. Khushi just nodded her head, nonetheless.

Anjali looked at them in disbelief.

The way Arnav's tone changed for Khushi, her anger came back, she moved toward them, and angrily shouted at them, "What can happen to her? She is just showing her attitude. Jyada par nikal aaye hai uske."

(She has got wings on her head.)

She tried holding Khushi's hand to push her away from Arnav.

However, she couldn’t as Arnav came in front of Khushi and glared at Anjal for her action. Besides she was glaring at Khushi in such a way that angered him more if that was possible. With a cold voice, he started, "Don't you even dare to touch her, Mrs. Jha! One more cell is empty beside your husband and I would be glad to send you there."

Anjali was taken aback for a while looking at his anger but controlled herself and arrogantly replied, "What else can you do, ASR? Money and Power blinded you to such an extent that you can't even see right or wrong."

Arnav rolled his eyes, "Yeah, just like you, the only difference is that Power and Money blinded me but for you, it's your mindlessness, your blind love that blinded you."

Taking a pause, he corrected his words, "Oh, not love. The right word is obsession. The obsession you have for your murderer Husband."

Anjali shouted at the top of her voice, angered by belittling words, "Arnav!!"

Arnav raised his voice, "Chillao maat, chillana mujhe bhi aata hai."
(Don’t shout, I know how to shout too.)

Anjali looked at him in disbelief, "What is wrong with you, Arnav? How can you blame my husband? You put him behind bars for your misunderstanding by coming into Khushi's talks."

Arnav looked at her in disbelief too, "I am not like you, Di, who comes into her husband's talks even after watching all the evidence which is against him. How can you be so blind? Are so dumb or don't want to accept reality? Come out of it as early as possible otherwise, you will face worse in the future with no one beside you."

Anjali was hurt by his words, it was like he was cursing her. She wanted her brother to open his eyes but he wasn't ready to see and sadly replied, "It is just you who isn't beside me, Arnav. Others are still there and will always be there for me. It's you who is going to fall on your face for supporting the wrong side. And remember that, I won't forgive you at the time. Go and stay with your so-called girlfriend and friends."

Arnav's anger was rising again. At the top of his voice, he screamed, "She is not just my so-called girlfriend, she is going to be Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada." He punctuated every word to fit in their mind what Khushi meant to him. "About falling on the face? Let's see who falls."

His tone held a challenge.

Arnav's sudden declaration of Khushi being soon to be Mrs Raiazada brought happiness to his friends and Khushi's heart. However, she was also worried. For, she knew his belief about Marriage and she didn't want to force him into something which he doesn't believe in. She was just hoping that Arnav wasn't doing this under some pressure. She will talk to him about this later, she decided.

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