Part 12

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RM (Anjali's room)

 After signing the document Anjali went to check whether lunch was ready or not, telling Shyam to take a rest for a while, then after lunch, he can go to the office. Shyam was half lying on the bed and with closed eyes thinking at least now I will get 50% shareholding of AR if Anjali wouldn't stop me then till now I would have reached the registration office. Let it be, I can do that anytime. Now I need to search for Arnav's will and his lawyer, who knew about every damn property of this ASR, I don't understand whom he appointed. I searched the whole Delhi but didn't get a single hint about it, in fact, Roy also doesn't know. Atleast I want this Shantivan also in my name, otherwise, where will I live? Then again he picked up papers and kissed them and muttered: "Thank you Rani Saheba for trusting me." After some time he heard Anjali calling him for lunch so he went to the dining hall.


AR penthouse

Khushi was sleeping, hugging her baby Elie and Arnav was sitting beside her, patting her head with one hand and another hand holding a file and reading it.

Someone knocked on the door asking for permission to get it for which Arnav just nodded his head as the door was already open and then looked up and gave a smile to the person. Meera came in and sat on the couch. Arnav kept the file on the side table and tried to stand but Khushi held his hand and kept it under her cheek, not allowing Arnav to get up. 

Meera gestured for him to stop, and said slowly, "ASR, it's okay. I am not here to check on her, I just need to talk about her to you."

Arnav looked at Meera worriedly, "Any problem Doctor? Is Khushi fine?"

Meera shook her head, "No, No ASR, there is no problem, I checked her reports and changed some medicines too, so I just want to say, due to this medicine she may sleep a lot so you no need to worry about her. And we are going to do some sessions daily for her treatment, if the treatment works then Khushi may start remembering some incidents of her past and behave irrationally, angry, confused, and scared too, so she will need someone whom she trusts now most, that's you. You have to handle her patiently that time. She may question you about many things so be ready for it."

Arnav was thinking deeply about what Meera was saying, "But Doctor, She will be cured soon right, there won't be any side effects to her? I don't want anything to happen to her."

Meera looked at him then at Khushi and smiled, "I can't say when she will be cured, her brain's response will tell how much time it will take. If we won't see any improvement we will change her treatment, and then maybe we need to take her to the US too." 

Arnav nodded, "Hmm, there won't be any problem taking her to the US if you want we can take her in this week too."

"No, No, it's not needed now." 

"Okay then, and Thank you Doctor Meera for your help," said Arnav with a slight smile on his face and then looked at Khushi," It means a lot to me." 

"No need to say Thank you for it, ASR, and I have just one request for you." 

Arnav looked at Meera and raised his eyebrow asking what?

Meera smiled, "Please don't call me Doctor Meera, just Meara."

Arnav smiled and nodded, "So Meera, why did you come to India for only one patient? I mean I talked with Dr. Smith, and he told me that you are one of the best Psychiatrists in his hospital."

Meera smiled broadly and replied, "I wanted to visit India for a long time, as I was born and brought up in the US, I just heard about our country and our culture through my parents and grandparents, so this was another motive behind my India visit."

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