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"Turns out that guy you flirted with, is actually damn rich" Julian was laying on the couch together with Jayden and Adam - playing one of those stupid games.

"What guy?" I sat down on Jayden's lap. I knew exactly who he was talking about. He was talking about Lando.

I couldn't stop thinking about him, while I was still dating Jayden.

"Lando - he's an F1 driver, did you know that?" Julian mumbled, not looking away from the tv.

I shook my head. "No"

He was just the most handsome guy in the room, which says a lot because my current boyfriend was also standing in that room.

Julian looked at me with a little smile on his face. He probably recognized the look on my face.

"Anyways - there is a big Richard Mille event in Monaco and your boy will be there" Jayden said as he kissed my shoulder.

Did he really not care that I literally flirted and kissed with someone else?

"Okay?" I shrugged. "What has that to do with us? We don't steal jewelry"

"Maybe it's time we expand our business" Jayden said.

I turned my head to Jayden. Who does he think he is? This wasn't his business.

"No, we don't do that" I snapped at him.

Jayden rolled his eyes, put his hand on my cheek. "C'mon baby, do you know what those watches are worth?"

I frowned, looked at Julian. "Julian? Say something"

He sighed, paused the game and looked at the both of us. "If Nova doesn't want to do it, then we don't"

"Don't get soft Hayes - since when does she tell you what to do?" Jayden snapped at Julian.

Bold move.

"Since when do you?" Julian looked directly at Jayden.

"Since you listen to your little baby sister to make big decisions"

Julian got up, nodded at me to move away from Jayden, which I gladly did.

Jayden got up as well.

I honestly didn't even know why they were fighting. For me? Because I didn't want to do it?

"If you ever talk about my sister like that again -" Julian started but Jayden immediately took his gun and put it against my brother's chest.

It made Julian chuckle. "You gonna shoot me now big boy?"

I hated this.

All this for a couple of stupid watches?

"Fine" I yelled. "I will do it, just stop this shit"

Jayden smirked but Julian didn't, at all. I made a fool out of him while he wanted to protect my values.

"Good little baby" Jayden smirked, putting his gun away and grabbed my hand. "Let's go to our bedroom"

He just did this to annoy Julian. I wasn't gonna have sex with him.
He was selfish, not only in the bed.

"What exactly do you want me to do though? Those events are private"

They weren't gonna invite thieves.

"It isn't a one night job" Jayden waved his hand. "With your pretty face it will take only two nights"

"What will?"

"Make your way into his heart, he will take you to the event - we will send Adam with you, you steal a couple of watches there"

As if that's easy peasy.

"Then Julian and I will steal his watches and cars" he looked at his phone. "Saw he has a nice car collection"

I shook my head. He probably made this plan in less then 5 minutes, without thinking at all.

Julian would never come up with such a shitty plan.

"And how are you gonna steal his watches and cars, Jayden? You don't know where he lives"

"We obviously don't do it at the same night - that part is for when he fully trusts you" he looked up at me with a smirk. "And when he gives you the keys to the castle"

"That might take years!"

He shrugged. "We can wait"

Hooked - part 2Where stories live. Discover now