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Lando's POV

"Where's Kelly?" I asked Max as we were playing videogames on his couch.

It was her birthday tomorrow, but she was throwing her birthday party tonight. A pretty huge party, her family and friends all flew in, Max invited his entire team, including some other drivers.

"Probably getting ready with Sofia? No?" Max said, not looking away from the tv.

Sofia, my girlfriend. Still felt weird to say because I never had a girlfriend after Nova.

Didn't mean to happen either, we had sex once, then we went out a few times as friends, hooked up again and then she just... stayed.

We were together for a few months now, it's been good, easy. There's no drama with her, no going back and forth all the time.

It's just easy.

"So uh - Kelly asked me not to tell you but I feel as if I have to" Max said, pausing the game.

I sighed, it's never good if someone, especially someone's girlfriend, asked not to tell something.

"So, Kelly invited Nova to her party" Max said, looking at me.

"She's all the way in Australia, I don't think she's gonna co-" I shrugged my shoulders. "She's coming" Max interrupted me.

I snapped my head to him. "She's what?"

"She flew over to Monaco, she's coming tonight" he said slowly, as if he was talking in slow motion.

It's been a year, a year since that night, a year since I've seen her, a year since I've talked to her.

I send her so many texts, called her so many times. For months.

She never replied. She probably blocked my number, so at some point, I just stopped trying.

But I never stopped following her, stalking her. Which wasn't that hard because she became one of the biggest models in the world.

Some gossip sites even referred to me as her ex-boyfriend. I wasn't Lando Norris, the f1 driver.
I was Lando Norris, Nova's ex boyfriend.

I wasn't bothered by that - she deserves her success.

I watched all her instagram stories, even watched a few lives until fans started noticing that too.

I thought about her a lot, still did, but not as much anymore.

Just when I looked at the stars.

"You okay mate?" Max shook me out of my thoughts with a nudge to my side.

"Yes I-" I looked at the tv. "I just remembered I have to get a haircut" I put the controller next to me and got up.

I didn't plan on getting a haircut, but if Nova was coming, then I needed to look as good as I could.

I was planning on wearing white, but I decided against it now. I was gonna wear black, because that's what Nova liked the most.

Why was I being nervous for this? She would only be here for a couple of days probably, maybe just for the party and then she would go back to Australia.

Then our lives would go back to normal, to how it's been for the past year.

But tonight - tonight wasn't gonna be easy. It wasn't gonna be like it's been for the past year.

My heart was beating so fast, adrenaline was pumping through my body.

I haven't felt like this for a year now.

Maybe she didn't even want to talk to me, but I had to try.

I had to.

Hooked - part 2Where stories live. Discover now