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Lando's POV

It was boys night at Max's place, normally it would be just him and I but Julian also joined us tonight.

I didn't mind that - I actually liked having him around lately. Felt like he was in my corner.

"So what are your plans tomorrow?" Max asked as he looked at me.

"Don't know" I shrugged my shoulders, not looking away from the tv. "Maybe hanging out with his sister" I laughed - nudging Julian, who was laying next to me.

He was texting someone, pretty much all night.

"Can't mate" he mumbled. "She left yesterday evening"

"She - what?" I turned my head to him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She left yesterday, took the plane to -" his phone went off, interrupting the conversation.

He pointed at his phone. "I have to take this" he said as he got up and walked to the balcony.

I shook my head. I can't believe she already left, without saying goodbye to me.

After everything - she once again - left without an explanation, without a goodbye.

It's not that I thought she would run back in my arms or something. I didn't expect that.

But she could've at least texted me.

"You okay mate?" Max looked at me.

I nodded, but I wasn't fine. Not at all.

"I am going home - Sofia probably wants to go to bed" I said as I put the controller down next to me.

"It's 9pm?" He looked at me, frowning.

"Yeah" I shrugged. "Never said we were gonna sleep"

Max chuckled, got up and hugged me goodbye.

Julian was leaning against the balcony door, his head was tilted and he was looking at me as if he wanted to kill me.

"Enjoy" he nodded at me.

I didn't reply, didn't know how, I just left.

I walked around Monaco for quite a while. Just to think about everything.

Why did she leave so soon? I definitely wasn't ready for that - thought I would have at least a few more days with her.

I walked back in my apartment, Sofia obviously wasn't asleep yet - she was waiting for me to come home.

"Hi baby" she smiled as she looked up at me. "How was it?"

"Yeah good, it was fun" I said, pressing my lips against hers. Didn't feel anything when I kissed her.

I wanted to break up with her today, tonight. Wanted to tell Nova about it tomorrow.

And in my delusional mind, she would've been happy, ran into my arms and tell me we could start all over again.

But no - she left again.

"Who was there? Just Max and you?" She asked. I sat down next to her, put her legs on mine and pulled her closer.

"Julian too"

Her eye twitched a little but she smiled immediately, cuddling up next to me and put her head on my chest.

"I can't make it to our dinner this week" she said.

She didn't mean our dinner - she meant the traditional dinner before a raceweekend.

"That's okay" I wanted to brush my fingers against her back but I decided against it.

That was something I always did with Nova.

But I also should forget about her.

Not now though. Not yet.

"And unfortunately I can't come to Spain either" she pouted as she put her chin on my chest to look up at me.

"Oh why not?"

Would be happy with that it Nova was still here.

"I am gonna visit my parents" she smiled - and she was waiting for me to invite them to the Grand Prix.

She was waiting for my invitation - she was waiting for me to tell her I wanted to meet her parents.

But I didn't.

"Oh okay, have fun babe" I smiled, still felt bad so I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her more passionately than I did since Nova came back.

I had sex that night - didn't think about my girlfriend once.

She told me she loves me after we both finished. I still couldn't say it back.

Hooked - part 2Where stories live. Discover now