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After the aquarium and museum, we went to dinner together.
All four of us.

I had an amazing day with Lando. I definitely felt as if we could start all over again.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still dating another girl.

Julian and Piper never really asked what happened, why we were back being all lovey-dovey.

They definitely had something to do with it.

"I have to take this" Julian said as he pointed at his phone, got up and walked outside.

I knew what he was about to do, his boys were organizing something to steal whatever Piper liked the most.

And what Julian thought was the most valuable.

"So-" I cleared my throat. "Did you enjoy your day?" I asked.

"It was honestly so amazing" Piper smiled. "I can't believe Julian did all this for me"

Yeah same - I can't believe it either.

"He's unbelievable sometimes" I nodded.

"He's rich right?" Piper asked. Not because she was into him because of that, but probably because she was suspecting something.

"Extremely" I said. I wasn't gonna hide it anymore. She had a right to know and honestly she had to know - because dating Julian, also meant that she was a target.

Being his sister made you a target as well.

"We have to go" Julian announced as he walked back to our table. Not to all of us, just to Piper.

"Why?" She asked, looking at him. "Because I said so" he said annoyed.

I already knew not to question him when he had that look on his face.

But she didn't know.

"And you" he looked at Lando and I. "Go back to your room"

"Gladly" Lando smirked, putting his hand on my thigh.

So, as Julian demanded, we went back to our rooms.

"Finally" Lando smiled, walking up to me. I was standing in front of the mirror, taking my makeup off.

He put his hands around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"You look beautiful" he whispered, I didn't answer. Was too caught up with what just happened.

"Are you okay?" He said, pulling me away from the mirror, turned me around and made me look at him.

"Just worried about Julian"

"I don't think you should be worried about him" he said, putting his hand on my cheek. "Think you should be worried for all the antiques and art in that museum" he chuckled.

I pushed him a little, which made him pick me up and carried me to the bed.

The bed with the fuzzy blankets.

He threw me on it, kissed my neck a couple of times.

"Can I?" He asked, pulling at my shirt. I nodded.

Being naked under fuzzy blankets is literally the best feeling. Trust me on this.

He took it off, threw it on the floor and did the same with my pants.

He kissed my entire body, didn't miss a single spot, until he reached my boobs.

He stopped kissing me, which made me open my eyes and look up at him. "What's wrong?"

"You..-" he mumbled. "You kept it?"

He held my necklace in his hand, or should I say, the chain with our engagement ring on it.

"Yes of course I did"

Honestly what did he expect?

He stared at it for a while, his eyes met mine, they twitched a little before he put his hands on my face and pressed his lips against mine.

Hard at first, but he quickly became more passionately.

"Fuck" he mumbled. "I love you so much"

"I love you too" I smiled on his lips.

I would probably say yes if he asked me again. Would definitely say yes.

Which might sound crazy because I rejected him before. Said no when he asked me to marry him.

Even though it was a beautiful moment - beautiful, romantic, ticked all the boxes.

Still said no.

Didn't even think about it.

Right now, I wouldn't have to think about it either.

Only the answer would be different.

Hooked - part 2Where stories live. Discover now