"Roger that" Jane said doing a salute gesture.she's so funny.

"Is she always like that?"

Like what?.I said acting dumbfounded.

"Uhm..being a cold bitch and lacking some sense of humour duh!" She said rolling her eyes.

Well to her that wasn't funny and you're the one who got between her and her favourite person.I proudly said trying not to laugh.

"So much drama,she should have said it nicely"

Well,she's not always nice about that but why did you do it?

"I need to talk to you about something"

Woah!..Jane are you okay?

"Yeah I'm fine,just been dealing with some stuff".She said sounding sad.

Lets go talk in class,I don't think everyone is there yet.


So what is it that you wanna talk about?.I said holding her hand firmly.

"So remember how I would freak out about klara?"

Yeah..like that time you'd wanna cry and tell me to stay away from her.I laughed.

"Neo don't laugh this is serious"She said in a serious tone making me feel bad about my response.

I'm sorry for laughing Jane I really am.I just wanna understand what is it that you're so afraid of I mean yes I know you're worried as a friend but it seems like its more than that.

"Okay this might sound surprising but Klara and I once dated"

What!.I said with my mouth agape.

"Yeah,and she was really loving I mean she was the one who fell in love first and I fell deeper and by that I mean I would do anything for her,lie to my parents,steal money to make her happy,bunking classes and all that....at first I thought it was love but I soon realized that she was just using me.I mean at first we was together but she started to change the time I told her that I can't do any of the bad things she wants me to do in order to make her happy and she used to stand me up on our dates and more stuff started to happen.I just couldn't take it anymore but of cause Klara didn't wanna be dumbed by me unless she's the one who does the dumbing"

"So what she did was that she uploaded our pictures online where we were half naked,I mean I was young and dumb plus that time we drunk to even think straight but that's what I thought until I found out that actually she drugged me and took those without my consent and everyone believed her because it was my word against her and from that day I never liked her I mean I hated her I wanted to kill her for what she did...my self worth,self esteem and image were all destroyed and it took me alot of therapy to get over it because I was suicidal and just wanted to die because of all the stares and humiliation.Which is why you must stay away from her because she will break you until she gets what she wants so please be careful" She said with teary eyes and I couldn't help but hug her.

Jane,I'm really sorry you had to go through that I wish I listened to you sooner before she did what she did at the party.I now see why you were acting that way and its understandable I'm really sorry.

"Don't worry about it its all in the past now I mean I was doing grade 10 still clueless all I want you to promise me is that you'll be careful"She said with a smile.

I will I promise.

We had our first period of tourism after an hour or so but I couldn't seem to stop thinking about our conversation.I have alot of questions but poor thing seemed too re-traumatized all over again I couldn't make it worse by doing that.I guess I'll have to ask her sometime but not yet.


Yeah,what's up?

"You seem to be zoning out are you good?"

Really?I'm sorry but I'm okay don't worry just got stuff in my mind.

"Stuff like?..you know you can talk to me right"

I know,its just that Jane and I had this conversation about her dating klara.Babe the things she did to her are just...

"Yeah,I remember that she messed her up big time"

And you never told me about this?.I said looking at her.

"Babe you can't be serious.I mean that's not like my place to tell and why would you ask me that?I mean what if I did tell you then what?"

Well..okay I'm sorry I totally get your point its just that I'm worried about her that's all.

"Jane seems fine to me you're just letting your mind run wild.I.understand you're her friend but I think she told you this because she trusts you and she wanted you to know about it so that you don't hear it from someone" She said giving me a Peck.

I guess so,I'll stop worrying then and just be there for her.Klara is such an bitch eyy! for her to go that to that extent just because of being afraid to be dumped.I said with a hmph.

"That's what's she's been doing to me too.Its as if she has attachment issues or something because whenever she's into someone she's the one whose suppose to call it quits not the other person because it'll ruin her so called  'Reputation'.

I wonder what made her to be like that she just doesn't seem like somebody who cares whether the other person leaves her or not.

"that's what's shocking about her.Once she loves she loves hard but pretends that she's not hurt at all.Its like get coping mechanism or something". She said biting on her sandwich.

I was about to say something but my phone interrupted me.Jane is calling.

Hey..what's up?

"I'm okay,I just wanted to let you know that I won't be joining you for break.I got to finish my assignment before submission.Sorry"

Do what you gotta do,I'll see you later.

Cool.Love ya.

Love you too.

Immediately after putting my phone on the table.I could feel Kay's eyes shooting beams at me but I chose to avoid her.

"Whose that?" She said sternly.

Where?.I said acting puzzled.

"Neo,don't play that.I'm talking about the person you just said  love you too?" She said mimicking the last part.

Ow,that's my friend is there a problem?.I said looking at her with a smile.

"Which friend?"She said looking at me with a chuckle.

I could tell she's getting pissed more like jealous.

Its no one you wanna worry yourself about.I said with a smile.

"What the-" before she could say anything the bell rang and I gave her a kiss on the cheek leaving her there.Y'all should see her face all red and shit.lol

Bye baby see yah.

Here's  another chapter🦋hope you enjoyed it and have yourselves a lovely week!❤mcwa!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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