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Kay's POV

My day really started off badly but I made it Haa... I was kinda nervous about Neo's  reaction on my apology I actually didn't even think for a sec that things were gonna turn out the way they did today.

But I can't shake the feeling that she's hiding something from me I know this might sound crazy especially when we are now on good terms maybe I'm  just overthinking  things and overthinking can lead to wrong speculations but the way she looked during lunch today especially with Ken around She just didn't look very welcoming towards her or maybe she's jealous that Ken is a girl? I mean Ken is barely my type and I never even thought of her like that I just see my best friend that's it.

Well,you will never know what is always on a girl's mind but I'm happy we good now more especially because we have an assignment to complete together I don't even wanna think of the weirdness or awkwardness that was gonna spiral between us if we was still having issues.

Lemme go grab something to eat and I'll have to go by her house later.

"Hey honey"

"Hey mom,your home early" I said going to the fridge.

"You know being a your own boss sometimes has got advantages to it so I decided to knock off early today"

"Wish I could do that whenever I want to leave school" I said chuckling.

"Its a pity you don't have a choice honey"

"I know"

"How's your hand and how are you doing?"

"I'm okay"

"Kay why don't you wanna talk to me?I'm worried about you what is happening?"She said with a frown.

"I can't tell you all the details but I did something to Neo that has hurt her so much that I couldn't even bare to look at her knowing very well she was crying like that because of my stupidity! maybe its best if I let her go to be with someone she deserves" I sighed.

"How bad is it?"

"Its awful mom whenever I think of it I just feel angry at myself"I said facing my head down.

"Ow,honey" she said hugging me.

"I'm sorry that has happened and I know how much you like her so I don't believe that giving up on her will help because of how much I see it in your eyes that you really do like her"

"But I've  hurt her and now everything I do makes me wonder if am I even the person she sees herself with in the future or being a serious relationship with"

"Honey don't overthink this too much okay?instead of hurting like this why not do something to make it up to her or apologize"

"We did talk about it and fixed it but I just can't seem to shake the feeling that she accepted my apology for the sake of peace not because she wants to"

"Honey,I don't believe she would do that because of that.She must have done it because she also likes you back and she wants things to be good between you guys and why exactly do you think she did just that for peace?Because one thing about women is that we can make a big fuss out of everything even if a simple apology will do" she said with a chuckle.

"Thats the thing!why did she just let this slide without making any fuss about it?"I said looking at her.

"Kay are you serious right now? I mean the poor girl found it in her heart to forgive you and you are busy thinking of why she did that?" She said looking at me with the are you kidding me face

"Okay,maybe I'm being ridiculous about that but Neo doesn't look like one who can just let it go like that"

"What is it exactly that you did which makes you think like that?"

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