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Kay's POV

"I'll see you tomorrow then" I said shutting the door of the car.

"Bye,babes see you tomorrow".She said blowing a kiss.

"Just fucken go and don't call me that we are no longer dating remember". I said as I faced towards my house.

I heard the her driving away and then I got inside.You prolly wondering who that was she's my crazy ex-girlfriend,klara. we've been hooking up for about a month now since we broke up because she cheated on me with her current boyfriend. She just can't get the message that she and I wont ever be together.She really messed me up after cheating on me I don't see myself being with her romantically so hooking up with her for now its just fine and I tried multiples of time ending whatever it is that we have because She has a boyfriend that she's using just to get all the expensive things and money she wants because she clearly doesn't love him because she's now cheating on him with me . So wicked so she's only doing it for the money and reputation. I really need to stop this nonsense between us because she seems to forget that we are no longer together anymore .I went up to my room since mom and dad seemed to be at work probably working late.

They are my adoptive parents actually but I decided to call them mom and dad instead of using their names.Well,I never knew my real ones but I was told that they gave me up for adoption after learning that I was an intersex.I sometimes feel that it is my fault that they left in the first place only if I was born normal like the other girls they would have remained with me.

I was told by the doctor that if I want to remove my dick and be like the other girls then that can be done through a surgical procedure at first I was happy to hear that but later in high school learnt how to accept myself and be happy with how I am.I know this might sound weird but I really love having a dick because it makes me different from all the normal girls in school.

Speaking of normal girls I gotta say that new girl really looked hot and I knew she looked familiar .I can't believe I told her my name but forgot to ask for hers,I feel so dumb right now.she said softly slapping herself no the forehead.

She really looked hot in that uniform better than the other girls,and her smile just makes my stomach tingle a bit,I like how her face turns red whenever I tease her chuckles and how those plump lips of hers look whenever she pouts,damn! If only I could get a taste of those. She's gonna be all mine and no one can take her away from me and who does she think she is to roll her eyes at me? I'll teach her how to do that the right way.

My thought were interrupted by the door opening.It was mom and dad so I went downstairs to check them out.I changed to my clothes wearing some black Jean shorts and my black and white Nike t-shirt and flip-flops.

"Heyy,Darling " mom said as I was climbing down the stairs heading to the kitchen counter.

"Mom I said not to call me that I'm not a baby anymore," I said taking out some juice from the fridge." Want some?" I asked peeking from the door fridge.

"No thanks" she said putting some chopped potatoes in the pot. Lemme tell you a secret,mom knows how to Cook okay...the problem is that either there is too much salt or the food gets burnt as for new recipes she's good with making desserts but cooked food is a disaster so dad and I have got to compliment her bad cooking skills sometimes because we are afraid of hurting her feelings.

"So what are you making today" I pulled the chair next to me to see down and observe.

"Today,I'm actually making my best potato soup which our new neighbours will come begging for more to have" she said humming in the end.

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