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Omphile's POV

Fuck,I hate Mondays.I mean do I really have to go to school today?I'm not in the mood of facing people today especially her.Got out of bed dragged myself to the shower got out within 30 minutes.I love taking long showers but today just fuck that.

Took my bag after struggling with my hair going downstairs mom was already in the kitchen making breakfast pancakes my favourite but I'll pass think I'll puke if I put something in my mouth right now.

"Hey,bye"I said rushing out to my car.

"Hey ho-,What the..Omphile come back here!"

I heard her yell as I went out.I didn't wanna have this conversation with her because I'll end lashing out on her  besides I don't want her to see me like this.

Today I decided to drive myself to school and mom is prolly not gonna let this go because of how I left today.My phone's already ringing from her calling but I don't wanna answer her while I'm driving even though I can just connect it to the car but nah.I know I'm trying so hard not to think about what happened at the party and that's what is killing me right now but I'll just pretend I didn't see any of that and put this all past me and move on because it is clear she already did.

I eventually arrived in the gates of hell fighting my own thoughts if I should go in or just skip school today, wish I could but mom won't think twice before deciding to kill me if I did that.I got out of the car putting on my vintage rectangular sunglasses to hide my crusty looking face.

Luckily the school hallway was not that busy because I left the house 25 minutes before school starts.I took out my maths book going through some problems more like scanning it because my brains are not here today prolly in my bed sleeping.

After some time few pupils started coming in class I just heard footsteps coming towards my desk but I didn't bother raising my head to see who it was I just kept my head down.

"Hey!"Jane exclaimed.

"Dude can you be quiet for once in your life" I said not facing her.

"Ow,I'm sorry I'm just excited for today that's all" She said with low pitched voice.

"Well don't keep screaming like your crazy at me because I'm not in the mood for your hyper energy today and what's there to be happy about on a Monday morning?"I raised my head to looking  at her with a bored face doubt she saw it because of my sunglasses.

"I'm sorry okay I was just trying to cheer you up because you sure do look like you've been hit by a bus"She said brushing my back.

"Well thank you for that but I don't need your pity I'm okay"

"Neo what exactly happened?".

I scoffed "Ow so you wanna know what happened?alright heres what happened.Everyone including you Jane stood me up!" I yelled looking at her.

"You said you were coming  but you didn't and on the other hand the person I thought we actually  liked each other left me alone while she went  to fuck with her girlfriend!because I AM THE FOOL HERE! so that's what happened!"I said with tears building up in my eyes.

"Neo-"I cut her off.
"Dont,I wanna be alone right now" I said getting up really I needed sometime to myself or I'll just break down infront of everyone and I hate unnecessary attention.

I got in the bathroom checking if there isn't anyone and it seemed like that. I locked the bathroom door sitting down near the bathroom stool tears coming out even though I tried hard not to break down.My voice getting high from the sobbing ,starting to hyperventilate I closed my mouth with my hand to prevent being too loud .

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