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Omphile's POV

We finally arrived after our flight.I'm so glad tomorrow is Sunday so I still got time to rest cause I'm feeling like hell.And I gotta say I kinda liked the our view if the house I can it was the simple version of the one we had back in New York.After getting out of the car I went inside I wanted to see my room and the rest of the house tour I'll just do it tomorrow cause my bed is calling my name.

"Momma,I'm gonna be taking a nap"I said climbing up the stairs.
"Alright honey but don't want to have something to eat first?"
"Pizza will be fine after I wake though"I said finally reaching my room.And I was kinda impressed by the view it looked so calming and relaxing and the best part about my room was that it had a wall closet which I was begging mom to buy me for years now.So I got a sides where I can put my shoes,dresses,hoodies etc.I'm so happy with my room even the colour just goes along with the type of personality I have.So I went to bed 10minutes later after arriving in it.

Few hours later

I was woken my alarm I set and I took a shower wore my grey tracksuits and slippers then went downstairs.Mom was sleeping on the couch,I went to her room to take a simple blanket to cover her. And I decided to take a walk around the house outside though.I went at the back and there was this nice garden and also we had a back yard pool damn! this is so cool.I bet mom loved the garden cause she's a person with plants and nature as for me I'm actually more into reading books?I can say that's my hobby or something I just love how all the chapters automatically come to life the minute you start reading each and its just so relaxing and good vocabulary booster.As I was taking a walk around the yard,I was stunned after was is it a girl or boy I couldn't tell,They looked so hot in that all black outfit they had on.and to make things worse they had their hair up in tun bun and tattoos on both their arms but I couldn't see how they looked on the face because they were facing behind.Just as I was about to go back before they could see me I tripped and fell then I hurt my knee even my tracksuit had bit of blood stain.It was abit painful but not that serious just a scratch.
"Hello....anybody there?.They said.
Just by hearing their voice just made my stomach tie into a knot. And I had to try to get myself up but I couldn't so I just sat there and said I'm fine.I could hear them walking away,so I took this opportunity to try and stand up slowly though.I slowly went to the house and moms face was filled with horror when she saw me enter the house.
"Oh my goodness,Omphile what happed?are you okay?who did this?you know what lemme call the cops.She said with worry.
"Mom,I'm okay I just tripped and fell at the back.
"Honey you need to be careful and I'm sorry I panicked I just don't know what I would be if I ever lost you too,let me get the first aid kit to fix that.she got up to get that in the bathroom then she got back.
"Ahhhh!"I screamed.Mom please be gentle it stings a bit.I said looking down at her.
"Sorry,honey I'm actually done,see,there.she said giving me a small kiss on the knee.
"So how do you like your room?"
"Its really cool and dope I just love the view and the closet I've been pestering you with for I don't know how long.I said laughing.
"Yeah,but I'm glad you liked it and you have to prepare cause on Monday your going to school honey.
"But mom its still Saturday I still got tomorrow.I said with puppy eyes.
"Nope,I'm not gonna fall for that.she said Patting my lap for me to stand up.
"Argggg.I said annoyed.
I went up to my room and decided to call Bree instead of preparing for the day after tomorrow.

"Heyyyy! How are you doing Bestie and how was the flight?.she said being the loud self she is.
"I'm good was just bit tired so I took a nap and took a shower.OMG! Bree you won't believe what I saw?.I squealed.
"Jesus,Omphile you wanna burst my eardrum now,what did you see Cardi B..ow what one the BTS member..did you get a selfie or an autograph?.she asked sounding curious. Breeeeeee,nope and nope it has got nothing to do with cardi or the BTS.
"Then what is it about?"she said sounding bored.I ignored her and carried on with my story. So there's this...I dont know if its a girl or boy but they sure looked hot! Like I cant believe I have a neighbors that's hot like that OMG! They really looked so cool,its pity I didn't get to see their face and I hurt my knee trying to see them.I sighed.
"What!is that you talking about you liking a person...who are you. And what did you do to my best friend.she said laughing. Hold up,hold up,hold up I didn't say I liked them or that I just was admiring their look and the hairstyle one of my weakness a tun bun,shit.I said trying to sound not interested.And besides they look way cooler than me and I'm not up for relationship or something I don't wanna get hurt like the girls and boys that my beat friend hurts.And I don't wanna be somebody who has to like,open up tp someone about my personal life and things I never share with just anyone so I'm good.I said mentally shrugging.
"Uhmm...hellooooo,are you hearing yourself right now.Omphile your one of the baddest bitches I know and your definitely their type I bet your everybody's type I mean if we weren't best friends I'd definitely smash.She said in a serious note. I said looking at the phone screen.
"Chill,she laughed.I'm kidding okay I was just pulling your leg,but I would for real but any we aren't there anymore.Did she even hear the part where I said I hurt my knee,just thought to myself. So how is the new house and all?.she asked. Ow well its really dope I gotta say and I got a balcony in my room ,the view is just so calming and very satisfying I think I'm gonna love it here but the old house is way better than this one but then I can't argue it is what it is.
"Don't worry you'll settle in and again don't let that hot neighbor of yours snatch you from me.she said.What!as if we gonna do what your already thinking in that small brain of yours its never going to happen and I gotta go I really need food I'm so so hungry right now.
"Okay,no problem I gotta go too,I love you babes.
I love you too.After the call with Bridget I went downstairs to order some pizza and watch movies since mom was hooked up with work and I also must go do her assignment of "preparing".After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door and it the pizza delivery,so excited .I quickly went to Netflix a watched some horror movies since I'm a fan of those and after 4 hours of lazy around and watching movies.I decided to go to bed cause it was dark outside and I just wanted to sleep.So I went upstairs and threw myself on the bed then I slept.

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