Su Mo glared at Xing Biao fiercely.

  Xing Biao scratched his hair.

  "On to the next item."

  "Um, um, let's have a glass of wine."

  Someone brought two glasses of red wine. Su Mo frowned and started drinking now?

  Xing Biao broke off the wine glass and handed it to Su Mo's hand. Whisper in his ear.

  "This is Coca-Cola water. Drink it."

  After blinking, everyone understood that if they didn't run away today, they would definitely be drunk. It would be okay if they could drink less.

  This was a good idea. Su Mo easily locked arms with him and drank a glass of Coke mixed with water.

  After serving tea to my parents, it's already half past eleven, so we can start the dinner directly.

  These groomsmen also have their own jobs, helping to hold back the drinks. The role of the best man is to keep the wine away. Xing Biao held the wine glass in Su Mo's hand and whispered in his ear.

  "There are a lot of us. Go up and someone will pour you a drink. After you take it, turn around and hand it to the people on the side. They will help you hold back the drink. I drank too much, and you have to take me home." "Chengjiāo."

  As long as he wasn't drunk, it would be okay.

  At this table was Brother Wen, the leader of Dongcheng. Bai Hua followed him and called him brother. This man seemed to have prepared three glasses of red wine.

  "I'll be bored to the end. I won't refuse you on this special day."

  What was Xing Biao afraid of? He picked up the wine glass, and Su Mo also picked it up. Hearing Xing Biao say, "Brother, I will drink this glass of wine no matter what."

  As soon as Bai Hua walked forward, Little Stutter took the wine from Su Mo's hand and replaced it with a glass of exactly the same red wine in the blink of an eye. The fourth lame man held the wine glass and drank with Brother Wen, the boss of Dongcheng. Jiuzhier's hand speed was faster, and Xing Biao's wine glass was changed at a glance.

  Cui Xun saw it all. Go up and join in the fun and get closer to Su Mo.

  "Su Mo, if you lend me this group of people when I get married, I will never get drunk.

  Su Mo smiled while holding the cup.

  "I won't let you go either. Just now I heard you shouting the loudest? Kissing timer?"

  Cui Xun rubbed his nose and returned to his seat to eat. Su Moqi was very unlovable and was too good at holding grudges.

  The people on the road are very relaxed. If there is any problem, they will tell it in person with gongs and drums, who is right and who is wrong, and the matter will be resolved according to the rules of the underworld. After a round of toasts, Su Mo only had a few sips of red wine, so he couldn't change the wine in time and drink it. Red wine is fine, Su Mo can handle it. The people on the road talk rough, damn, Biaozi, my wife is pretty good, better than my mother-in-law. I heard that you are a lawyer. Can you help me with the lawsuit? Someone owes me some fucking money. It has been half a year and I haven't paid it back. Can I get it back? I really want to raid his house in the middle of the night and ask for his wife. The child comes to sit down, but he is afraid that the grandson will call the police. Lawyer Su can help.

  Su Mo called Cui Xun. It was better to let Cui Xun handle this kind of matter and leave his phone address.

  Cui Xun is really eloquent. He immediately got involved with these gangsters. Even after walking a long way, he still heard them saying, "They are all friends. I'll tell you the lawyer's fee."

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