Chapter Six : Scrambled Eggs and Spring Broken.

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Your eyes fluttered open, with a throbbing head you pushed yourself up in bed. "Fuuuuck." A groan escaped your mouth, "What time is it?" Fishing your phone out of your pocket you saw 10:37, "Shit, Shit, Shit!" Falling out of the bed you scrambled to your dresser, you stripped naked and hoped that no one would open the door. Not having time for a shower you threw on an everyday shirt and some fancy pants, lastly you squeezed into an Ornamental Vest and strapped on your gun belt.

Kicking open the door you rushed down the stairs, entering the lobby you kissed Charlie on the forehead and kept running. "Love you Bye!" She yelled after you.

"Wait-" You ripped the entrance door open and immediately opened a blood red portal leaping through you felt your face smack against a marble table.

"Hello Y/N, nice of you to join us." Carmilla said with a smile forming on her lips, you flopped off of the table and crawled into your chair. "Long night?" She asked talking but not looking at you.

"The longest." You sat up straight as every overlord in the room stared at you, "What?" Zestial laughed followed by Alastor and Rosie, you reached for your hat only to find it wasn't there. In your hurry you had forgotten it.

Slowly a voice could be heard approaching the door, "Yes I've got it handled Vox, Are you doubting me? Really? Me?" Velvette burst into the room, sighing you opened a small portal next to your hand and reached through pulling out a bottle of pills and some water. "That's what I thought!" She yelled, "Yes I know they're all a joke," You poured a handful of the medicine and dumped It into your mouth, chugging the water along with them.

As Velvette yammered on you kept opening portals and pulling stuff out, Your hat, a Jacket, Hair brush, Tooth Brush, and other items you didn't have time for this morning. Carmilla peered over at you and smiled, which you returned as the Medicine kicked in. Knocking out your hangover.

"Thank you Vee, see you soon. Kisses Darling!" Velvette hung up her phone and sat down confidently.

"Nice of you to join us Velvette, will your- Colleagues be Joining?" Carmilla asked with disgust.

"No-" Velvette started.

"Nah," You guessed, while brushing your teeth, "Vox's ego is too hurt from what happened last week, and Valentino is probably too busy counting Dollar Bills." Velvette smiled at your shit talking, not expecting it from you.

Then she said something you didn't expect out of her, "Actually, You're right on the Money." She laughed.

"Well," Carmine started, "Back to what we were discussing, before you both dropped in-"

Velvette waved her hand in the air, "On the topic of discussion!" She threw something onto the table, when it stopped rolling you got a better look. A Dead Exterminator, you weren't surprised.

You knew exactly what could kill an Exorcist, Angelic Steel. Sighing you looked at Carmilla knowingly, who had shame written on her face.

"If these Holy Rollers Can be killed, The Game Has Changed." The V stood up on the table and walked towards you, bending over and getting face to face. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"You'll get everyone killed and then take their Power over Hell for Yourself, Smart Play." You shrugged, "But I already knew these guys could die, just like us." Standing up you pulled out Ivory, kissing the gun you fired it into the Exterminators head going straight through and damaging the table.

"I didn't kill this one, if I did you wouldn't have found the body." Velvette smiled as you sat back down.

"Well Well, I can see why Heaven would put you on their Most Wanted." Looking out the window a heavy weight was out on your lap and an Arm wrapped around your neck, "Y'know I'm sure we'd have a place for You in our Club Darling, we could help you with your Angel Troubles."

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