Chapter Two : The Pilot.

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"Good Afternoon! I'm Katie Killjoy!" The Anchorwoman said enthusiastically.

"And I'm Tom trench! Chaos raging in pentagram city today as a turf war goes on in the west side Between notable kingpin Sir Pentious and Self proclaimed spunky Powerhouse Cherri Bomb!" The two conversed.

"That's right Tom, after the recent extermination most Areas are up for grabs! Demons all over hell are already duking it out to gain new territory!" The TV's all showed footage of the fighting, with many Egg Bois being lost in the battle. "Looks like they are fighting Tooth and Nail for that hotspot!" She said making a Tooth and Nail appear out of nowhere, and eating the both of them.

"I'd like to Nail her Hotspot!" Tom said laughing.

"You sure are a limp dick jackass Tom! Or should I say- No dick?" Katie poured scalding hot coffee on the News reporter's lower region. "Coming up next we have an Exclusive interview with the Daughter of Hells head honcho! Who's here to discuss her brand new passion Project! All that and more, after the break-" She said breaking her coffee mug, "Suck it up you little Bitch-"

The TV's cut to a still frame as you helped Charlie adjust her suit and tie, "You ready Babe? It's your time to shine." You encouraged, Charlie smiled.

"Yep!" She pulled out a paper with bullet points and notes, "Alright here's our talking points, proof of redemption possibilities..." Charlie began to mumble, you pushed her chin up and looked at her.

"You're gonna do great, you've studied that paper all day." Reassuringly you kissed Her on the forehead, "Now get out there and tell 'em why you're here!" 

Charlie walked off confidently as you walked over to Vaggie, "Do you really think she can do this?"

"Have some faith Vag," You smiled, "Charlie can do just about anything when she puts her mind to it. Just watch." Seeing a sign that encouraged smoking you pulled out a pack of Cigarettes, handing one to Vaggie and lighting a match off your boot. At the same time you and Vaggie took long drags of the Tobacco, "That feels better don't it?"

"I swear Morgan you're gonna kill me with this shit." She laughed.

Charlie went up to greet Katie, "Hi! I'm Charlie!"

The demon cut her eyes. "Katie Killjoy, I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you but that'd be a lie." Charlie tried to shake her hand, "You can put that away, I don't touch the gays." She pointed at Vaggie.

"Well Actually We're just friends-"

"I have standards!" Katie said arrogantly, your teeth grit against each other. "Look, my time is money so I'll keep this short-" Her hand cut through the air like a knife, "You're not here because we wanted you here, You're here because that Boyfriend of your's is a living Legend! And our ratings will go through the roof once he comes on stage!" Charlie became confused, "You might be some Royal Bigshot, but that doesn't mean shit to me! I'm to Rich and to influential to give a flying fuck what some Tux wearing Demon 'Princess' wants to advertise!" Katie took a deep breath, "So don't get cute with me honey or I will fucking-bury-you!"

You rolled up your sleeves slightly, Vaggie looked over with a knowing face. "I wasn't going to hit her!" You defended, "Yet..."


"Welcome Back!" Katie yelled sitting down in her chair so fast her neck snapped, quickly she fixed it, "So Charlotte!"

"It's Charlie-"

"Whatever, tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pressuring our News Station about!"

Charlie slumped in her chair, "Well-" She looked to you in the crowd, you gave her a thumbs up. "As most of you know I was born here in hell, and growing up I always tried to see the good in everything around me." Katie stabbed a bug on her desk, startling Charlie. "Hell is my home, and you are my people. We-We just went through another extermination, we lost so many souls and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year! No one is even given a chance! I can't stand idly by while the place I live in is subjected to such violence."

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