29. GEL IN

274 24 6

Durban, SA

Virat was having Tea in the evening when someone knocked on the door.
He opened it. It was Nisha.

"Good evening sir, sorry to disturb you, but Bunty sir asked me to just brief you about the schedule" she said biting her lip.

"That's fine, come in. You don't need to be sorry for that. It's your job" he smiled and kept the door open for her to get in.

She got inside and stood there looking around the room. Everything was neatly placed. She has not seen a guy's room so neat in a long time. After all, this discipline made him a superstar.

He led her to the coffee table in the open balcony. She sat there in nervousness. Virat sensed it.

"Are you good? Do you need some water?" He asked.

"No. I'm fine sir, please sit" she said pointing towards the chair.

He sat down and said "you don't need to call me 'sir'. Call me Virat, that's good enough"

She took a deep breath and gave a warm smile .she took out the file she prepared for him. She read out his schedules one by one. He had two shoots and two meetings scheduled for the next 5 days.

He seemed irritated when she read out the schedule. "What happened sir-, I mean Virat" Nisha observed.

Virat was scratching his head with a frown "Am I cricketer or a model? Why is the schedule so packed. Can you keep it in a span of 2 weeks."

"Actually I was given a time of one week. So..I guess we'll have to do it in 5 days " she stammerer.

That's when she remembered she now got an opportunity to extend her stay with him for another week. Virat took the file from her and read through it with dejection.

"My responsibility is to make things easy for you. So if you are not comfortable, I can extend it to even 3 weeks," she said immediately.

His eyes lit up once again. There was a warm smile which could melt anyone. Anushka Sharma, you lucky-

"Thanks. Bunty would've never. He was right when he said you are excellent in your work. Anyways, we'll do it in 2 weeks not more than that. Otherwise your boss will torture me" he huffed.

"You to are very close, isn't it?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Ya he's like my brother. Brother from another mother " he said proudly.

Nisha could sense how warm and easy going he was. He wasn't anything like she thought of. Rohan was right about his judgement. He's a gentleman.

"But you have a contract to sign urgently. Can you do it by today or tomorrow? " She asked taking out the papers.

"Is it? Show me" he collected those papers and started reading.

Suddenly his phone rang on the table. Nisha noticed 'Anu' written on it with a heart symbol. It was Anushka.

He pressed on his ears and started talking. Nisha was confused. That's when she realised he had an airpod on his left ear. He was still looking through the papers, but he wasn't able to concentrate.

"I'll come" he placed the papers on the table and went to the other part of the balcony to talk. Nisha saw a different joy in his face when he was talking to Anushka.

"Anu , bolo" Virat said.

" Kaun hai, meri sautan?" Anushka enquired.

Virat laughed out "nahi. Bunty didn't come. He's busy. He has sent one of his assistants" he said.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin