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It's been 3 months since they met each other. Anushka was busy in her shoots and could not afford a leave. on the other hand, Virat was playing series after series. Both used to call each other regularly, but they were longing to meet each other.

On call..

"Hi Virat, I'm missing you" Anushka tells sadly.

"I know babe , what can we do. We'll have to wait for another month. My series will get over tomorrow, but your shoot will take another month" Virat said.

"Hmm. I wish we could meet. I'm losing my motivation to work Virat " Anushka said being tired.

"Your work should be your motivation, it should not depend on my presence ,right" Virat tried to motivate her.

"Whatever, I'm feeling sleepy. Bye" she yawned and slept.

Virat POV

I felt bad that she was missing me so much and I couldn't do anything about it. And it's also true that I was missing her just as much.

I thought of surprising her by going to her shoot location in London where she was shooting for her movie. Just as the series got over , I took the next flight to London at night. It was a 10 hour flight. As the time zone changed , I was again in the night.

I thought of going straight to the sets to surprise her as I don't have much luggage. Another reason is that, I was so tired that if I see a bed, no one will be able to stop me from sleeping.

As I reached the sets, I approached to the shooting place and she was currently in a take. I hid myself behind the crowd so that she doesn't notice.

After she finished the session I went to her Vanity van and hugged her from behind. She was startled and turned around.

"Wtf!!" As she saw me, she gave me a tight hug and she was almost choking me.

I felt at peace in her arms. I was melting on her shoulders. I also felt like falling asleep then and there. She gave me a kiss and looked at me.

"Thank you Virat, you made my whole day, my whole week"

"And you made my whole life" I said. She started blushing and looked down. I cupped her face and gave a peck on her lips.

Meanwhile someone came and called for the next take. "Virat come na, watch me" she pulled my hand and took me to the set.

I took a chair and sat there and my girl was acting like no other. Each and every dialogue was delivered with so much love and commitment. I was in awe of her.

After every cut, she looked at me for validation, I gave a smile and a thumps up. It was only 11 at night, but I felt my eyes were giving up because of the jetlag.

I got up from there and sneaked out of the set. I thought of going and sleeping in her van. But as I reached there, it was locked. So I went searching for some other place. I saw a bus which was opened. And the driver was standing outside.

"Are you with the movie crew?" I asked him to confirm.

"Yep" he said.

"I'm with them. Can I sleep inside? If someone asks, just say I'm here" I told him.

"Ya sure, no problem" he said and went somewhere.

I went to the last seat of the bus and as I laid down, I slept in seconds.

Anushka POV

I was feeling better again after meeting Virat. And I always wanted him to watch me do my work.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Where stories live. Discover now