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After 9 days.....

West Indies

The 4 th test match was called off due to this incident. The forces had given up. There was another heavy storm on the 5th day that passed by the Pacific. The forces concluded that there is no way they would've survived that. They had almost given up on the search.

The 5th test was played with a black band on their sleeves. The players were emotional and crying during the national anthem. All their eyes were welled up. They won the series , but they lost that particular test match.

Not because they weren't capable, but because all their minds were wandering. They were all in utter grief, no one could digest the fact that the two of them were not around.


Nine days have passed as of today. Anushka had gone to a state of depression. She wasn't talking to anyone. She barely ate food. She slept in her room, sits up in the bed all day, again goes to sleep.

Everyday, she waited for some miracle to happen and get some news. The moment she wakes up, she takes her phone, goes through all the news channels around the world, just to get some hint.

She was also losing hope little by little. Her family comes to check her every now and then. She seldom talked to anyone.

"Beta kuch khaao, kitne din ho gaye" her mom comes with the food.

"Look at you, you have become so weak. You'll get some disease. Eat something beta" her mom feeds her.

She eats 3 or 4 morsels and then denies feeding her. Her mom gave her water. "Atleast drink some water"

Anushka POV

I had lost interest in everything. to be honest, I had lost interest in life itself. I'm breathing, only because I don't want to hurt my family.

Everyday, I opened my eyes, I wished for some miracle to happen. But nothing changed. It was scary that things were getting back to normalcy.

If I continued to live like this, I knew I would be admitted soon. But that was the least I could have bothered. With every notification, with every ring, I check my phone immediately in hope.

Things were only getting difficult for me. I loved him so much, but not even in my dreams I thought, how adversely his absence would affect me. Not just mentally, but physically as well.

I didn't even have the strength to walk properly, let alone going outside for something. My family and Virat's family were very supportive, but I was inconsolable. I had made walls around me which didn't allow any advice or sympathy to come in.

All day I would stare at my ring, the photos in the house, the nicely decorated walls. He always asked me to come and stay with him here for a while. I was so busy at that time, I wish I took a lot more time off.

I wish I went with him on the cruise, this wouldn't have happened. Either we both would've been safe or we both would be lost together. This was not fair. This was the hardest punishment a person could ever get.

Morning at the sea..

Virat POV.

As I woke up , sunlight hit my face like a slap. my body was almost giving up. Everyday we went to sleep, we were unsure whether we'll wake up or not.

Our body was as weak as it could get. Looking at Dinesh, my heart sank. He was laying at the edge of the boat with his feet hanging out. A rope around his waist , with a torn pant, shirtless and half life .

Comparatively I was in a better condition. The word 'better' sounds absurd here , now you can imagine how bad his condition is. Our conditions would've been better if not for another brutal storm which hit us 3 days ago.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Where stories live. Discover now