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As already mentioned before the story, there could be explicit or disturbing scenes. Please do not read it if you are not comfortable.

Anushka POV

I already saw how difficult it was to switch on from the sets. With every effort going in vain, my heart was sinking. It was already past 10 and there was no network. I tried calling Virat about 10 times. Once it rang but he didn't pick, then it again showed lack of network.

I looked around and there was no one and I was too scared to ask for any help from the trucks passing by. I called dad,mom, driver none of them were picking. It wasn't their fault though. I was in an out of coverage area.

My phone was also dying without battery. I stepped outside the car to check for the network before my phone was completely switched off. When I came out, it showed some network .That's when I noticed something else, one of the tyres was almost punctured.


Her body was getting weaker. Sweat beads started forming on her forehead due to stress. She heard a sudden crunching of dry leaves behind her. When she turned around, there were 2 men who were standing about 30 -40 metres away from her. Her heart started to beat faster. She quickly ran inside the car and locked it.

She was panting hard. She lowered her head onto the steering wheel. And sat there head down for about 30 minutes to calm herself down and think with a cool mind. When she slowly peeped outside, they were not there anymore.

But there was nothing she could do sitting inside. The network was zero.

At home.

Virat was in a deep slumber. Suddenly he woke up in a jolt and sat upright. When he checked the time, it was past 12. He started to panic. Anushka had still not returned. He checked the phone and saw 2 missed calls from her. That made his throat go dry. He quickly called back. But she wasn't picking.

"Damn! How the fuck did I sleep through a ring" he punched the bed.

In the car..

It was around 2 hours that she sat inside the car. Neither was the call coming nor was she able to call someone. Her head started to throb.
She looked around and slowly opened the window for network.

Immediately the phone started to ring . It was Virat.

"Hello Anu, where are you. What are you doing" he spoke in a tense tone.

"Virat..the car has broken down.....please .come fast, it feels so weird.. here..there were some people...please there is no ntwj...here"
She was panting hard and he could sense it. The voice was also cracking due to the lack of network.

"Are you mad. Who goes alone to such a place , send your location, don't panic I'm coming. Don't go out, -" keep your windows close-' Hello? No.!" The line went blank half way.

He could no longer wait. He wanted to go there.

He immediately went out and opened the door. Meanwhile her dad heard the sudden rush of noise and went to check .

"Virat where are you going" he asked as he saw Virat going out.

"Baba, Anushka's car broke down. She's stuck on some highway, I'm going to get her" he said in a panicked state.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Where stories live. Discover now