Chapter 42 ~ The Todoroki family

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"Toyaaaa!" Y/n screamed from their room.
There was loud stomping coming from the stairs.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Dabi, with short breath, opened the door wide.
"Shoto texted me." She looked up at him unsure.
"My god I thought something bad happened, never do that again." He sat next to her to read the messages.

"Good morning Miss L/n, me and my family thought about it and we would likely meet Toya again. If it's ok by both of you we would like to meet up at our house around five for a tea, if you can't we can schedule another day without a problem"

"Why is he so formal?" Dabi asked with a chuckle.
"I told him to call me just by my name" Y/n sighed.
"Well it's three, we have to get ready because it's almost an hour of driving to get there." He got up leaving a kiss on her forehead.
"I don't know what to wear!" she whined dragging herself out of bed.

She opted for a black and tight skirt that ended just before the knee and a tight white button up, she added a pair of black kitten heels, a black heart necklace a dainty pair of earrings and a little purse.
Dabi tried to match her by wearing pants from his suit and just the white button up with a loose tie, he decided to put on his mask and sunglasses to not scare them with the little scars that he still had.
They left the house with Dabi's car and drove to his old house.

Y/n rang the doorbell and Dabi immediately reached for her hand, squeezing it from fear.
Fuyumi, Dabi's younger sister, opened the door and welcomed them in.
"It's such a pleasure to see both of you." She kindly shook their hands before leading them to the living room.

"Natsuo, bring in the tea!" She asked for her brother. "I'm going to call mom, I will be right back." The young woman excused herself.
After introducing herself to the rest of the family, Y/n along with Dabi, the three Todoroki siblings and their mother sat at the table making small talk.

"I will ask you to not panic." Dabi said before taking off his sunglasses and mask to enjoy the tea.
"Are those scars?" Natsuo asked, looking at them.
"Yes." Dabi answered coldly.
"Do they hurt?"
"Not anymore "
"How did you manage to get them?"
"My quirk."

That last answer made Shoto connect a few dots.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think I already saw those types of scars before." He tried to make him talk, but Y/n knowing Dabi was too scared immediately answered.
"I think there is no reason at all to keep this hidden. Toya was a few years back most known with the name of Dabi. He was, like all of you may know, a criminal but I managed to clean his record and make his appearance less recognizable, so we can say that now he is a perfectly functioning member of society." She tried to explain everything she could.

"Why did you do it?" Shoto asked suspicious.
"Because I love your brother and because he saved me multiple times from death when no one else did." She answered roughly, being afraid that they weren't going to welcome Dabi back.
"I'm sorry Y/n, kids. I would like to talk to him alone." Rei finally spoke.
Dabi looked with an afraid expression at Y/n, who before leaving kindly smiled to reassure him.

A few minutes passed and Y/n and Fuyumi started talking, bonding together.
Once they were finally allowed to enter back in the room there was a less tense atmosphere.
"Mom you won't believe it! Y/n attended the same university as me!" Fuyumi exclaimed excited.
"That's nice dear. Well, since it's a nice day why don't we head outside." Rei proposed.

As they headed outside, Y/n and Rei sat together as Dabi and his siblings walked around the big backyard talking.
"Thank you, Y/n." Rei said with a soft and caring tone.
"For what?" Y/n asked confused.
"For bringing him back to us, I talked to him and it seemed like you made him a completely different person." She explained.
"I didn't do much, I just healed his scars and tried to reintroduce him to normality." She humbly said.

After a few minutes of silence Y/n spoke again.
"You know, when I met him I was in a relationship with a hero and he was really abusive towards me. Only your son was kind enough to get me out of that situation and heal me from the trauma that it left me with."
She spoke trying to fill the awkwardness.
"Only after a while we both realized that we knew each other since our childhood and even back then he helped me so much. So it's really an honor for me to finally get to know the woman that made him such an amazing person. He might not have been that way for everyone, but for me he is the kindest person in the whole wide world."

After she stopped talking she heard a few sobs coming from her side, she turned worried at the woman.
"Thank you so much for bringing him back to me and making him so happy... Excuse me please." Rei spoke softly with her voice broken down by loud sobs before getting up and walking away into the house.
"Is everything ok Y/n?" Shoto asked, getting near her.
"I don't know... I made her cry I'm so sorry." She apologized.
"Don't stress about it she has been really vulnerable lately." Natsuo reassured her.
"Alright..." Y/n hesitated.

Dabi walked up to her with her shoes.
"Come on, I want to show you around the garden." He said, kneeling down to put on her shoes.
Fuyumi was shocked by his act while Natsuo didn't know how to react so he just stared confused.
As Dabi got up and took Y/n's hand, she noticed his siblings faces.

"What's wrong?" He was confused.
"Nothing... I wasn't expecting you to act like such a gentleman." His sister explained.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He tried to understand their confusion.
"You know, Enji wasn't really the most kind person so it's kinda weird seeing you do such a thing..." Fuyumi explained.
"Especially considering you were a criminal." Shoto finally accused him.
"You know Shoto to treat a woman with basic respect you don't have to be a handsome hero. As Fuyumi said, not even the number one had respect for others." Dabi explained.

"So you learned everything on your own?" Natsuo asked again.
"You talk like it's hard to pleasure a woman. It's easier than you think it is, especially in THAT way." He whispered the last part with a wink, pulling Y/n near him from the waist.
"Oh shut up Dabi!" She blushed pulling away flustered.

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