chapter 11~ Suicide (Tw)

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Y/n woke up late in the morning with a heavy hangover. She ran to the bathroom to puke and took advantage of the location to draw some new scars on her thighs. She decided to skip breakfast and stay in her room all day and study.

Dabi got up from his empty bed late in the morning, the girl from the night before was not there anymore. He opened the room door and found his hoodie on the floor. He took it in his room, it smelled like Y/n's perfume and that made his heart drop. He got frustrated and angry for feeling that way, he threw himself on the bed and started smoking some weed to try and forget about it.

Three months passed of Dabi trying to forget what he felt for Y/n by always having someone over and smoking weed, but he couldn't do that since she was leaving messages to him about wanting to talk and missing him.

On the other hand Y/n was always studying in her room and cutting in the bathroom when she wasn't at school, the cuts started to get a little worrying. She only left her dorm to take a little portion of food and late at night to get drunk.

Y/n went down the stairs to the cafe literally dragging herself, she looked like she hadn't showered in days and her eye bags were worrying. She sat at the counter and asked for something yawning. While Kurogiri was making a drink, she fell asleep on the counter.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He shook her.

"I'm ok, I'm up, don't worry." She denied.

"You shouldn't drink tonight, go take some rest." Compress suggested.

"I'm not tired, give me that shot." She reached for the glass.

"I'm not gonna give it to you, I'm sorry." Kurogiri put the glass to the side.

"Come on, you are all too worried , I'm ok." She was annoyed.

"Kurogiri is not going to give you anymore drinks, you basically became an alcoholic." Magne complained.

"I'm ok guys, come on." She was getting impatient.

"You don't even eat enough and we don't know how bad your cuts are now." Magne insisted.

"You know what, I don't care, I can't do this anymore." She got up and left, dragging herself back up the stairs.

When she arrived at her door she heard a loud moaning from Dabi's room. She started crying from the pain she was in.

Her head was exploding, she was hungry, her thights burned from the cuts and she was in love with someone who ignored her and was constantly having someone over to fuck.

She didn't bother to turn on the lights since her eyes hurted with it, she sat on the bed and drifted to sleep.

Y/n woke up when the sun just came out, shivering, the morning light hurted her eyes. She sat on the bed and got up, she felt weak and seated back down afraid to fall. She got up again and went to the bathroom, she took some pills to relieve the headache and a blade.

She leaned to the wall to help herself sit down on the floor, she started cutting her still fresh scars letting the bloodstream to the already bloody floor. She took a few more pills and got up to go to the bed, leaning towards the bathroom door frame to help herself.

She got up and did only a pair of steps before her vision started getting all blurry and finally black, making her fall on the cold and dirty floor.

Kurogiri started getting worried after Y/n didn't come out of her room to go to school, which he decided to ignore. His worrying got worse after she didn't get down to take some food for lunch, so he decided to bring her something and check on her.

When they got there Toga was already trying to get her to respond, she wanted her to do her hair and went to ask her but she wasn't responding to the door.

"Y/n? Can you answer please? Even if you say no it is ok" She asked worriedly.

"She's not answering?" Kurogiri asked.

"No, she isn't. I HOPE NOTHING IS WRONG." Twice was worried as well.

"Y/n! Open the door or we are gonna break it down!" Kurogiri knocked on the door.

No answer.

Dabi woke up by shouting right outside the room.

"Why the fuck are you shouting, I'm trying to sleep." He angrily opened the door.

"What is happening?" He asked calming himself.

"Y/n is not answering the door!" Toga was almost about to cry.

"What do you mean?" He was confused.

"Last night she returned to her room and never came back out and is not answering." Kurogiri explained.

"And why you aren't in the fucking room yet? Do a fucking portal." He anxiously stepped in the purple portal.

Dabi found himself in a dark room, the only light there was from the open window with the blinds half closed, the room was all dirty and messy. He unlocked the door letting the outside light bright up the room, he noticed Y/n on the floor.

"Y/n! Y/n answer me." He shook her but she wasn't responding.

He turned her around, she was pale with really deep rings under her eyes and looked dead. He panicked but felt relieved when he noticed she was still breathing.

"Y/n can you hear me? Fuck Y/n!"

Kurogiri got there and took her heart beat, it was slow.

"The bathroom is full of blood and blades, I also found these." Toga showed them the pill bottle almost empty.

Dabi accidentally touched her pants when he went searching for scars on her wrists, they were wet and his hand was dirty with blood. He panicked not thinking it was that bad. They took her to the Doc office immediately and explained what they found.

Scars~Dabi x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now