Chapter 17~ Encounter

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Y/n passed the exam with top grades and got her diploma. Dabi went on another mission and he was going to return in two days, since he was gone for a month and unreachable he didn't get to hear her achievement. Y/n took good care of the hideout by cleaning and tidying up the dorms and the common areas. She took advantage of being alone to steal Dabi's clothes and games.

Two days passed and the league was going to return that day, as Kurogiri texted her so, so she decided to cook something for them. She went to the supermarket and buyed everything she needed to prepare a delicious meal.

She got home and started preparing some Japanese foods that went amazingly with rice. It was lunch time and everything was ready, but at 3 pm no one was there yet. She waited all evening but no one returned. At first she was worried but that feeling got easily replaced with anger and loneliness. No one showed up for dinner and not even at midnight someone had got back.

She decided to take a walk and left a note for them if they eventually returned.

She was walking where there was light since it was late at night. Sadly, Keigo recognized her on his patrol. He flew down to her to have a talk.

"Hey Y/n, long time no see." He smiled walking beside her.

"Keigo...?" She got scared of seeing him.

"You don't live in that hole of a house anymore?" He asked, trying to have a conversation.

"No I don't." She responded coldly.

"Where do you live now? I hope in a better place." He kept following her.

"I'm not going to tell you." She started walking quicker.

"Don't run, I just want to talk." He got up to her.

"I don't want to talk to you." She tried to cover her trembling voice.

"Still mad about the last time we saw each other?" He smirked.

"I said I don't want to talk to you." She insisted.

"Who was that guy anyway?" He kept asking questions.

She kept silent.

"Come on baby, answer me. I know you still love me." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders making her become stiff out of fear.

"And I also know you liked having sex with me." He smirked even more, sliding his hand to her waist slowly.

The league returned to the hideout around 1 am finding all of the food Y/n made on the table with the note.

"She was waiting for us?" Spinner asked, looking at the food.

"Where is she?" Toga asked.

"She's probably asleep. What does the note say?" Compress looked at Shigaraki, who was already reading it.

"It says that she left to take a walk and we can eat if we want to. It also says that we should warm it up since It's from lunch time that everything is ready." Shigaraki read out.

"I'm going to check if she's in her room." Dabi said while going up the stairs.

He knocked on her door but no one answered, that made him worry since the last time that happened she was in danger.

"Y/n are you in there?" He shouted checking if the door was open.

The door was unlocked, she wasn't in there. He quickly checked his room but she wasn't there either.

"She's not here." He said with a worried tone returning to the table.

"She's probably still out." Twice commented with rice in his mouth.

"She's afraid of walking alone at night, especially this late. What if something happened?" He took his phone out to try and give her a call, but her phone rang from the counter.

That made Dabi worry even more.

"I'm going to search for her." He left the hideout hoping she was ok.

He looked in every dark alleyway he passed near to, following the lighted path since he knew it was the way she took. Just when he thought he was just worrying too much and should have returned to the hideout, he noticed Hawks walking in an alleyway looking around and dragging someone with him. Dabi got suspicious and followed him making sure to not be noticed.

Keigo threw Y/n on the ground.

"Stop resisting. You know what I'm going to do now? I'm going to end what I left unfinished." He smirked, taking his belt off.

"Please Keigo leave me alone!" Y/n shouted in fear, running down the alleyway to get away from him.

"Don't run from me, it's rude." He watched her panic even more as she found the dead end of the street.

"You really thought you could run away uh?" He got near her with the belt in his hands.

She tried to give him a kick to his crotch but he stopped her, making her fall to the ground.

He got on top of her and tried to tie her hands once again.

"Hawks, that's not something a hero would do." A rough voice echoed through the alley.

"Why do you worry villain?" Keigo recognized him as he got closer and closer.

"Because you have something of mine." He got up to him.

"What are you talking about?" He took a long feather in his hand.

"You see, after I saved Y/n from you raping her, she's been with me all the time." He explained lighting his hand.

"You were that guy?" He got angry and threw his feathers at him.

"I was that guy, a villain saved a girl from a hero. Hilarious isn't it?" He easily burned the feathers.

"Babe, is he telling the truth?" He got near her with the sharp feather in hand.

"Don't call me babe, you disgust me." She screamed at him trying to get away.

"You're a whore, I knew you were cheating on me! You're supposed to be my property." He threw more feathers at her.

"Looks like she's mine now." Dabi smirked, throwing his fire at him, burning the feathers he threw at her and making him fly to escape the flames.

"Y/n, are you ok? Did he do anything to you?" Dabi helped her up.

"No he didn't, thank you for saving me... again." She was shivering out of fear.

"Calm down, he's gone now." He reassured her by holding her shoulders.

"Why does something always happen to me?" She started sobbing softly while walking back to the hideout.

"Don't say that, it's not true." He tried to comfort her.

"He wanted to rape me again." She looked at him with tears running down her face.

"I know, but he hasn't done anything and you're safe now. Let's return home." He wiped her tears.

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