chapter 20~ Snow Moon

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"Y/n." Dabi knocked on her door.

It was starting to get cold again and September was back. Y/n and Dabi started hanging out almost everyday together and spent all July and August in the company of each other. They grew even more close in the two months that passed, they were always playing together at videogames and took late night walks. One time they went to McDonald together for dinner and stayed talking until the morning after in a nearby park. Another time Dabi took Y/n on a mission of just 2 days where they had to steal money from one of the biggest banks of Japan, she managed to suck the hotness out of the guards bodies freezing them almost to death, thanks to Dabi warming her body and the training they did together. Recently they went to a museum ran by a criminal that had the best falses in it. They were clearly in love with each other to the eyes of everyone except theirs, in fact both of them kept their feelings hidden for themselves.

"Y/n, get up." Dabi insisted.

"What do you want? It's literally 3 am." Y/n yawned, opening the door slightly.

"Put this on. I have to show you something." He handed her one of his black hoodies.

She put it on, covering her lace crop top, without questioning anything, she quickly slid on her pair of black boots without tying them up before leaving.

"I need you to not look up, got it?" He asked as they left the hideout.

"God, you're so weird." She yawned, keeping her head down, still half asleep, dragging her feet on the ground.

"Come here, you're going to fall if you keep walking like that." He covered her head with the hood and picked her up on his back, she melted at how hot his body was falling back asleep in just a few seconds.

He walked to an abandoned area of the city and went up an old apartment building stopping almost at the top.

"Y/n I can't carry you anymore, get down. You weigh more than the first time I carried you." He was out of breath for all the stairs he walked with her on his back.

"I'm sorry I gained some weight." she rubbed her eyes.

"You were clearly underweight, you don't need to lose weight." He reassured her.

"Where are we?" She asked, following him up the remaining stairs.

"Don't worry about that." He held her hand to make sure she was following him.

They got to the top of the building and Dabi covered Y/n's eyes while he helped her carefully sit to the edge.

A sky full of stars showed in front of their eyes. A bright and candid moon stood big up in the sky and it seemed like it could be easily touched from there.

Y/n was looking at the moon with her eyes wide and her mouth half open with amazement.

Dabi admired her face light up with the moon reflected in her e/c eyes, her hand was squeezing his making his heart beat faster.

"... It's beautiful..." She whispered under her breath, still amazed.

"It's called a full snow moon, it's rare to see it with a clear sky like this." He explained, taking his eyes off her stunned expression.

She was out of words for how breathtaking the view was, they sat hand in hand silently admiring the moon for a countless amount of minutes.

Dabi brought his eyes back on Y/n's still amazed face, he slowly put his hand on her soft cheek making her turn, her e/c eyes towards his teal ones. The gap between them slowly closed more and more until their lips touched softly.

Y/n felt the difference in texture between Dabi's hot lips, that locked perfectly against her soft and cold ones.

Their faces were lighted up by the moon candor, exposing the soft redness on their cheeks.

Little clouds of air formed by the meeting of their freezing and burning breaths.

It was all so surreal that time stopped completely around them, their lips rested delicately between them in soft kisses filled with love and desire for each other.

They parted their lips apart after that moment that felt like an eternity and just a second simultaneously, staring into each other's eyes. They recomposed themselves, bringing their eyes back on the candid moon in front of them, no words were exchanged, not even on the way back.

"Thank you Dabi, it was beautiful." Were the only words between them, said by Y/n with a soft smile which Dabi responded to with a little nod.

Y/n closed the door with her back, slowly falling to the ground. She felt her heart beat like it was about to get out of her chest, her cheeks were weirdly warm for her and a bright red. Her shaking hands touched her soft rose lips remembering the kiss they had. Her bright and happy eyes were staring in nothingness lost in thoughts.

Dabi closed himself in his room, letting himself fall on his bed covering his eyes with an arm. His heart was beating like crazy, his hands were a little shaky. He grunted in defeat as Y/n's reaction wasn't what he was expecting. He thought about the kiss, feeling his heart in his throat, thinking about how stupid he was to do such a thing. He was sure that Y/n didn't like him after she kept silent, he felt stupid for letting his feelings take control.


Thank you so much for 1k readers! It's nice to see so many people enjoy the story and keep on reading it.

Btw I was thinking of writing a Dabi x Y/n but enemies to lovers, let me know if it's a good idea and you might want to read it!

Have fun! Mune~

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