chapter 8~ Merry Christmas

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Y/n and Dabi got woken up by someone knocking on his door loudly.

"Who's this?" He shouted angrily while sitting on the bed.

"It's Christmas! We have to share presents!" It was Toga, really excited to receive her gifts.

"Fuck off, Toga." He replied laying back down.

Y/n got up and went to her room to get ready.

She put on a short burgundy dress that covered her scars, a pair of black stockings under the knee, burgundy pump heels with silver/gold jewelry. She matched her makeup to her outfit by wearing a red-brownish lipstick and a black smokey eye look.

She packed the gift and went down to the bar.

As she entered the room Dabi couldn't take his eyes off of her for how stunning she looked. Y/n put the presents under the Christmas tree, everyone gathered on the pillows put on the floor to share presents.

"This is stupid." Shigaraki rolled his eyes.

"I hate to say this, but I agree with the handyman." Dabi sighed.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Plus everyone receives gifts." Compress tried to convince the two in the activity.

"I made coffee, hot chocolate and tea, choose which you prefer." Kurogiri offered a tray full of mugs.

They started sharing gifts with each other.

"I'm sorry if mine aren't as good as anyone else's, but I tried my best in the little time I had." Y/n smiled looking at everyone unwrapping her gifts.

She made realistic portrait to every member of the league doing something they enjoyed:

Kurogiri making drinks, Shigaraki playing with father, Toga playing with her knives, Compress doing magic tricks, Twice smoking out the window and so on.

"These drawings are amazing Y/n! You're really good." Spinner said impressed.

"Yeah this is amazing!" Magne replied excitedly to have a portrait of herself in a pretty dress.

Only Dabi got a different gift, since she had more time to make it, which was three packages of cigarettes, a bottle of men's cologne and a new jacket, since his one looked really old.

"By the way, that is for you." Shigaraki pointed annoyed at a gift still unwrapped.

"Me?! But you already gave me so much!" She looked at the others with a confused face.

"Those were all stolen things, this is a real gift. COME ON OPEN IT!" Twice explained.

She unwrapped the gift, it was a knitted sweater with black and dark gray stripes .

"Dabi told us he bought you a hoodie but you're not wearing it anymore because of what happened so we thought of giving you a new one." Kurogiri explained sipping on his tea.

"Thank you so much, it's really sweet from all of you." She smiled, putting the sweater back.

They were all seated at the table for lunch time, they ate and laughed like a big happy family. Around 4:00 pm Y/n went to take her coat to leave the house.

"I'm going to be back for dinner, I'm going to meet my brother." She said fixing her scarf.

"Ok, let's go." Dabi put a hoodie on.

"Are you really going to come with me? I thought you were kidding." She closed the door behind herself.

"I'm going to come with you and meet your brother, but most importantly I'm going to stop you from oversharing about the league." He stopped her to properly put the scarf around her neck.

"You're so annoying." She stammered.

At the park Y/n spotted his brother: a tall guy with short brown hair and red eyes, the carbon copy of his father, unlike Y/n that looked like her mother.

"Y/n! I'm so glad to see you, my sweet little sister." He hugged her tightly.

"How are mom and dad, Yuhiko?" She hugged back.

"They are fine. Who is that guy?" He held her close, suspicious of who the guy that accompanied her to him was.

"Don't worry, he is a friend of mine." She explained gesturing Dabi to come closer.

"I'm Yuhiko, Y/n's sister. I'm glad to meet his friends." He shook his hand, noticing his scars.

"I'm Dabi." He smirked, noticing his fear as he heard his name.

"Why are you hanging with a criminal, Y/n?" He complained worried.

"Calm down, let me explain." Y/n sat on a bench, between Dabi and Yuhiko.

"I met Dabi when I went to Ranni's birthday party when an old pig tried to hit on me. We then met everyday when I left school, which is great . I'm almost at the end of my studies." She started explaining.

"That's nice. And how is Keigo going?" He asked.

"Well you see about that..." She felt an overwhelming feeling.

"What happened?" Yuhiko was worried about her tone.

"I'm not with him anymore, finally. I should have told you before that he never loved me. He always hit and abused me when we were together and the other day he..." She started crying. "He tied me to the bed and raped me. Luckily I warned Dabi, who immediately came to save me. If he didn't come I would have been dead since he was strangling me." From her eyes you could see she was reviving what happened.

"My lord Y/n. I'm so sorry... I don't know what to say. And sorry Dabi, I shouldn't have judged you like that, thank you for saving my sister." He got up and bowed to him, who just nodded.

They stayed together for an hour, then parted ways.

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