Thank you, Levi.

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Audrey POV:

"Colby? Colby what the hell!" I yell at him. What the fuck is going on right now? I woke up after hearing all the yelling, hearing pleas for help. I pulled on one of Sam's hoodies and my underwear and ran downstairs to see what was going on.

I was expecting a burglar, or maybe Sam and Colby play fighting, not Colby harassing Sam. Not at all. "Audrey, you bitch!" Colby's hands let go of Sam, dropping him to the floor.

"Holy shit!" He ran straight toward me, tripping a few times coming up the stairs. I stumbled backwards, tripping over a blanket left on the floor in front of Colby's room.

"You bitch! Why do you have to ruin everything I want!" He was talking bullshit, looking past him, I saw Sam on the ground, reaching for us but not moving. "Are you insane! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

My leg extended to kick, hitting him square in the jaw. This gave me enough time to get the hell up and rush towards Sam, who was still on the floor. "Sunshine?" His voice was scratchy, like he had been screaming.

"I'm here. You're safe." He wasn't. Lying to him was the best thing I could do at this moment because Colby was on his feet again, malice in his eyes. He wanted to hurt me.

"Why do you always get in the way of me and Sam?" He asked, anger and sadness in his voice. "Seriously? Colbs, calm down, okay?" I ask, not moving from Sam's side.

"Calm down! Calm down! Are you being serious right now, Audrey! I was about to have my way with Sam, like I have wanted for so long now, and you came in my way again. And for what? So your slutty ass can have him? Hell no."

Have his way with him? Was he about to rape Sam? No fucking way. No. Way. This was his best friend! How the hell could he do this? I don't care about what happened between Sam and Colby, I always knew there was something there.

This is taking it miles and miles over the line. He lunged for me again, catching me off guard. He caught me, pinning me to the floor, arms stretched above my head, making me immobile. "You're insane!" I yelled, kicking and screaming.

"What the hell is going on up there!" A yell, at first, it was unknown, then his voice came clear. Levi.

I have never been so happy to hear my bosses voice. I would fight has hard as possible for Sam, but I knew I couldn't hurt Colby, not enough. The footsteps came up the stairs at a fast pace, stopping at the sight of Sam.

It wasn't just Levi either, Nick, Matt and Chris were with him. "What the hell!" One of the brothers yelled. My head snapped towards Levi, hoping he could see that I desperately needed his help.

He ran to Colby, pulling him off of me with a struggle. They went to a corner, leaving me and the four boys alone. "Get him downstairs and to a hospital. Please." I begged the three.

They nodded their heads in unison, picking Sam up and leaving. I let out a long, exaggerated sigh, I will not cry. I will not cry. Not yet.

"Colby!" Levi. My head snapped up at the noise, seeing Colby again. It was only for a split second, after he got on top of me and wrapped his hands around my throat, my eyes were shut.

This wasn't like the feeling with Sam, the one where I felt safe, even with my air supply being cut off. This was the 'oh fuck i'm going to die' kind. And not the kind I liked.

I opened my mouth, attempting to take in gusts of air, but failing. Screaming and yells were heard, but I couldn't decipher any of it. My head was getting cloudy, and my grip around Colby loosened.

The world faded into a dark, cold place. Leaving me alone with it.

Levi POV:

After I called the cops and Colby was taken away, I followed Audrey in the ambulance, lost in thought. I had no idea what happened, none of us did. We know Colby lost his shit, but we had no motive.

Not that I knew of, as of now.

"Hey, Levi!" Nick yelled to me as I was cleaning up. Audrey had taken some time off work to work on herself, so I was stuck here doing her job. "Yeah?" I yelled back towards the bar.

Footsteps came closer, stopping me from continuing cleaning. "Do you know Colby's address? Me and my brothers wanted to do a collab with the two. Colby was talking to me about it." Nick said, putting his weight on the door frame. "Yeah, I can take you guys there if you want."

I offered to be nice. I honestly just wanted to get home to see Ace and my kid. "Seriously? That would be great, could you after your shift?" I nodded, smiling at him as he left.

The other brothers - Chris and Matt - showed up early, so I called in my other workers and left the shop up to them. It wasn't a weekend day or anything, so it shouldn't be a hard day for them.

We pulled into the drive way and all four of us got out of the car. I went up and knocked. No answer, again, no answer. My ears perked up at a scream, then a bang.

Deciding it was the totally best idea to go into their house and check what was going on, I did it. And what we saw stopped all of us.


"Will they be alright?" I ask the doctor. Audrey and Sam were put next to each other. After Sam woke up and found himself in the hospital, next to me, a random person he barely knows, he begged to be next to her.

"Yes, she should heal fine. Just a lot of neck trauma, her lymph nodes are swollen, as well as her vocal cords. We believe after time spent in recovery, she will heal just fine." A weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and by the look of Sam's face, a bigger one was lifted off of his.


Genuinely sorry this was so long. I haven't written in a while so I hope this will suffice for now. Thank you.
Ash ❤️

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