Get Decent.

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Slightly sexual talk, very short though.

Lugging the mattress all the way upstairs definitely was not a fun process, but in the end they got it in Sam's room effectively and quiet enough not to wake the girl in his bed. Colby gave Sam some pillows and blankets to sleep with. He took his shirt off and put on grey sweats, deciding it was already the early hours of the morning and that he needed sleep.

He plopped himself onto the mattress beside his own bed and shut his eyes, slowly letting sleep take over. But not even 10 minutes later, his eyes shot open and his ears pricked up to the sound of gagging.

Shooting up out of bed, he looked over to see Audrey, luckily on her side, vomiting everywhere. Sam had expected this due to the large amount of alcohol she had consumed. Slowly picking her up, he led her to his own bathroom, putting her lightly on the marble sink top.

She wasn't wearing much, only a hoodie that Sam gave her and her knickers. She shivered as her bare skin hit the cold marble. Audrey's face was pale, she looked like a ghost. She was shivering like crazy.
"Audrey, look at me, okay?" Sam stared into her eyes, lightly holding her chin.

Her head tilted slightly to the left, losing her strength in her head. "Sammy.. I don't feel so good..." She groaned, eyes slightly rolling back.

Swiftly, he lifted her off the counter and let her head go over the toilet, where green-yellow vomit came flying out of her. Sam made sure her ginger locks were held back, slightly cringing at the vomit he was seeing. His weak stomach was not helping him.

As Sam's attention was more on him not puking, he didn't realize her getting up and flushing. She walked over to the sink, washed her face and hands and turned the taps off. Sam stared at her in awe, she was acting like she didn't just vomit everywhere.

Before she said anything, she bent down to him. "Fuck Sam, Im so sorry for everything. Thank you so fucking much for all of this. I know I said some stupid shit when I was shitfaced. But Im good now, and I will get out if your hair." Standing back up, she left the bathroom.

Scrambling to his feet, Sam ran out the door and grabbed Audrey by the waist. "I will not let you leave this building, Audrey. You just threw your guts up," He spun her around to face him, noses just barely touching. "You need food, and water."

Looking him in the eyes, she realized he meant it. She felt, safe. Safe in this position, like he wouldn't dare to hurt her. Even in such a vulnerable state. Hell, she just threw up in his very own bathroom and was wearing nothing but his own hoodie and her knickers. She had just now realized this.

Her face was bright red, using her hands to cover herself. Sam chuckled slightly, his adorable smile showing, making her want to melt. "Do you want your hoodie back..?" She questioned, embarrassment laced in her voice. Sam shook his head.

"No, keep it. Let's go get breakfast from the kitchen. Do pancakes sound good?" Her face lit up, she hadn't had those in years. She ran in front of the blonde boy, grabbing his hand on the way out. For the little amount of sleep they both got, they were energetic, like they had just woken up from years of slumber.

Now in the kitchen, Sam and Audrey noticed Colby in the fridge. He was wearing what he wore last night. Kicking the fridge shut, he was startled to see Audrey and Sam holding hands. Her almost wearing nothing, and Sam the same. "And you told me to get decent." Colby smirked. Now realizing that Audrey and Sam looked more like an item then "friends". She ripped her hand away.

"I'm sorry Colby! I didn't.. I forgot.." Hiding her face with the sleeves of Sam's sweater, she scooted slightly behind Sam. "Shut it, Colby. Don't be an idiot." Sam rolled his eyes, kicking Colby in the ass.

Colby stared at Sam, the same feeling he had that night. They stared at each other, the exact same way Sam looked into his eyes. That same look, the look that told him to fuck him until he cried. The tightness was growing in Colby's pants. "Colby. Im making pancakes, for me and Audrey. I will give you some later." Colby bit his lip. Leaving the room afterwards.

"Alright! Let's do this then!" Sam said happily. He showed her where to find the pancake mix and eggs. Giving all of the items to Sam, Audrey decided she wasn't needed anymore and slid herself onto their island. The cold marble touching her thighs felt exhilarating, sending a shiver through her core.

Sam was slim, but hella muscular. And that look fit him so well. 'Honest to god, I have never seen anything so ho-' "Earth to Audrey!" She snapped back to reality. "Could you be a dear and get me my glasses from my room?" Her heart stammered. 'Dear?'

She was overthinking it, of course. But it still made her heart warm. Just hours before, Sam was nursing her back to health. And now he is making her pancakes like they had been a couple for years. But what was she thinking, honestly.

"Yea, on it pretty boy." She smiled and hopped off the counter, leaving Sam stunned.

AN: Let me know if anyone has any suggestions:)
Words: 942

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