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TW!! Mentions of father daughter abuse, glass involved, sex talk as well. Read at your own risk!

Audrey POV:

Sam's blinds were not thick enough, and that's the first thing I realized this morning. I could not tell what time it was, I'm guessing early morning, I did know I desperately wanted to keep sleeping.

Sam's bed was so comfy, the blankets were layered on top of me, there were like, 5. His fan was making the room a perfect temperature under all of this fluff, so when Sam yelled to me from outside the door, I dreaded answering.

"Please, don't make me get up. Your bed is too comfy for your own good." Sam came into the room after I groaned and moaned, rolling his eyes as he pushed back the door.

He was glowing (as usual) and his eyes were piercing my own green ones, blushing, I looked away. "Morning, Sunshine. You look, uh." He paused, "Great?"

I smiled, because no matter how awkward the situation, he never fails to make me laugh. The situation I am in right now is that I am in Sam's bed, still naked AND he found caught me mid breakdown after I begged for him after Colby put his dick inside of me.

This situation was awkward as hell. When I put it all together in my head, I shied away under the blankets and into the dark threshold of the fluff, not wanting to look Sam in his eyes ever again.

"You know," I felt a dip at the end of the bed, signifying that Sam had say down. "we are gonna need to talk about, everything. It's gonna suck. But today, because everyone is off, me, you and Colby are gonna sit in a fun circle and talk."

Sam always found a way to slide humour into the worst of situations. I found this out one day when I ran to him after getting a particular bad beating from my father. He threw a vas at me, it scratched the hell out of my cheek.

I remember Sam telling me that "You will have one hell of a cool scar, I want one too." Maybe it wasn't the best time for that, but it made me calm down, even laugh a little.

"Yea, I guess. I just don't want to think about the inevitable, you know?" I had slightly curled myself from under the mess of blankets and willed myself to look at the man on the bed.

He was staring at me with pity again, it made my stomach curl. He should be pissed at me, not feel sorry for me. But that reminded me,

"Sam, where were you this morning when I woke up?" I asked him, curiously. "I was out for a run at 5,  I didn't want to wake you." I smiled at him, he smiled back.

"Thanks, I can get dressed and then we can have the talk. I want to get it done with." Sam patted his knees before getting up, then made his way to the door, stopping before leaving.

"Audrey, you're naked." He chuckled. Heat rushed to my face in an instant, instinctively going to cover what was already covered. "Just- just bring me something. Anything." I shied away again, not wanting to look him in the eye as he left the room.

Sam POV:

Audrey was something else. I could tell that much just by her room. It was a different kind of style. Fake vines covering every inch of the ceiling, and what wasn't covered by the vines, there were tapestries under the vines and pinned up all on the roof.

Warm and natural light filled the room and the walls covered with vinyl's, photos of things she loves and more posters and tapestries. Her book shelf was overflowing with what looked like a whole load of fantasy.

Making my way over the carpet, I got to her closet. It was really organized, drawers and hangers lining the tiny space. Grabbing a hoodie, shorts, a bra, and extra underwear, I left the small closet and took one last look at the room before leaving.

When I left, I heard the faint sound of mumbles coming from the TV downstairs, making that the only sound in the house. My room was just down the hall from Audrey's, so I was hoping I wouldn't run into Colby.

After Audrey fell asleep in my arms, I had to uncurl myself to get water and brush my teeth. I care a lot about my dental hygiene. When I went for water, I saw Colby on the couch.

He was in the sitting position where you have your arms on your knees and your head in your hands. I was still pissed at him for kinda sorta sleeping with my childhood friend, but he was my best friend, I had to make sure he was alright.

"Colby are you okay?" I sat down on the couch beside him, looking in his direction. "Yea, no, yea. It's complicated." His voice was rough and scratchy, like he hadn't slept in days.

I was worried for him. "You can talk to me, Colby. You know that, right?" He finally looked up at me from his hands. His eyes were red and puffy, and the bags under his eyes were prominent. Tonight killed him just as much as it did everyone else.

"First things first, I slept with your childhood best friend. I can't even say 'slept' because when I put it in she called for you. Not in a sexual way, of course. But she was in pain. I didn't know it. I'm pissed at myself, mostly."

He stopped looking at me again. I didn't think Audrey would tell him her past about sex, but now I knew. Colby would understand so much more about her if he knew all about it.

"Colbs, Audrey has a fucked up past. It wasn't you and thats all you need to know for now, until she tells you, anyway. I promise, it wasn't you."


A/N: I need to thank everyone for over 300 reads on this silly story. It means so much to me. I apologize for not posting regularly, I just have a lot going on right now and math is kicking me in the ass. Please be patient with me.

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