Get off of me!

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Heyo! Some warnings for this one:
Sexual assault
Please read with Caution!

Sam's POV:

"Colby!" I yell, trying to cover as much of my dick as possible seeing as Audrey took all of the covers. He was still standing in the doorway, mouth agape and arms hanging by his side.

"Colby!" I yell again, too scared to move. He hasn't seen me naked in years. I did not want this to happen ever again. Colby looked like he snapped back to life, I wasn't sure if it was true.

He started blinking, possibly trying to see if what he was looking at was real. Didn't he hear Audrey? She was loud as hell and these walls aren't soundproof.

"Sam?" He asks, dread in his voice. "Please get out." I ask, slightly calmer than before. My hands can only cover so much, so I know where Colby's eyes go when they leave mine.

"Please!" I beg, yelling at him to leave. His eyes snap back to mine, locking his eyesight with mine before stepping backwards a few steps and leaving the room, slamming the door behind him.

I could feel Audrey shaking like a leaf beside me. "It's okay, beautiful. You're okay." Why the hell had he even barged in here? That fucking idiot.

I rolled over to run her back and made soothing noises to calm her down. Slowly, she uncovered her face from under the covers. Her cheeks were beet red and her eyes were red and lidded.

"You're so tired, it's cute." I said, trying to lighten the mood. She pulled herself out of her burrow, facing me in all of her beauty.

I raised my hands to caress her soft skin, feeling her breath under my hands. Bringing my hands up to cup her face, I whisper, "You're okay. I promise." She nods, letting her head fall onto my chest, inhaling my sent before letting sleep take over.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask Colby, who is now sitting across from in the kitchen. He looked up at me, staring into my eyes again with that same look of guilt and lust.

He has got to stop doing that shit, "Jesus Colby! Talk to me instead of looking at me like that!" I yell, standing up to get face to face with him.

"Like what? Like a man who just walked in on his best friend with his cock out and a girl on top of him? The same guy who I slept with-" I stop him.

"That was years ago, Colby! I told you to get over that, I thought you moved on!" I back away, not wanting him to get any ideas. He has had so many people over at the house since, had he really fucked them and still not had been over me?

"Do you think that matters? Sam, we had sex more than once. Which I loved every second of. Seeing your blushed up face and hearing you scream my name was something I will never forget.-" I took a deep breath, backing further away as he got up from his seat.

"You fit in my hands so perfectly. You fit around my cock so perfectly." He cooed. Colby was getting closer and closer, I was backed up to the counter.

Audrey was who I always wanted. I thought she was gone from my life for good. Colby was my second longest friend, and he was there for me when I really needed him.

Through Kat, through the loss of Audrey and Lily. All of it, so when he asked if we could kiss, it felt right. At the time, he felt right. But after I saw Audrey, my worldview changed.

"Why would you try and sleep with her then, Colby?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking. He paused,  deciding carefully what to say next.

"Because you wanted her. I wanted you to be so pissed at her for wanting me and not you. I wanted you to want me back, Sammy." I cringed at the name.

"You need help, Colbs. I will help you get there. But this-" I gesture between me and him, "will never ever work again. It was a journey, but it's over now." He was only a step away from caging me in with his arms.

All of my muscles seemed to tense at the same time when his hands came crashing down onto the counter beside me. My breathing stopped. "Not. Funny." He breathed, taking my chin in his hands and ruthlessly kissing me.

It was not soft like Audrey. Not kind, or gentle like it has once been. It was mean and cruel, rough in a bad way. I wanted to cry for anyone, needed to.

Is this how Audrey felt with her father? When he did things like this to her without asking? Personally, I wanted to kill this man right now.

Breaking free from his grasp, I smacked him in the face, packing more of a punch than a pussy hit. "Liking it rough now? I like it that way too." He growled.

He pulled me back in, trapping me in his arms. I felt his arms trace down my body, his mouth leaving disgusting marks on my neck. "Colby! Stop it, right fucking now!" I yell, hoping, praying he will snap out of whatever the hell is going on with him.

"Shut it." He snapped, taking me up in his arms and gripping me by the thighs. "You bastard!" I yell, not caring about who heard me. I want, no, need people to hear me.

He started up the stairs, still chewing angrily on my neck and no doubt drawing blood. "Audrey!" I yell, making Colby stop in his tracks. "Shut it right now you idiot!" He screams, hitting me in the head.

"Sam?" It was muffled, but her voice was there. I heard her, and thats all that matters now.


Tbh, did not expect this to go that way but my fingers kinda just go. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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