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Audrey POV:

The stairs creaked under my weight as I made my way down to the living space. The house was eerily quiet and empty even though I knew Sal
and Colby were just downstairs.

I felt the hair on my arms raise when I started to shiver. I always had a bad habit of shaking when I got really nervous. The kitchen was empty when I got there, so I got a glads of water and went for the living room.

Sam and Colby were sitting on the couches. Colby, in only grey sweats and slippers, had his feet on the coffee table. Sam had shorts on and a long sleeve shirt that was tight around his biceps. He was lying back on the couch.

"Hey guys." I walked into the room and sat down across from Colby and beside Sam. "Hey, Audrey. How'd you sleep?" Colby was the first to start conversation.

"I slept great, thanks for asking. How about you two?" I put my feet onto the coffee table, not feeling as awkward as I thought I would.

"Audrey, you have to tell Colby." Sam spoke up. Getting both mine and Colby's attention. A really, really bad feeling came up in my stomach. I felt like I was going to vomit all over the floor.

Just as I was getting better, Sam had to bring it up. I look a him with a knowing look in my eyes. He stares back, knowing exactly what i'm thinking, his eyes are telling me to do it.

I started to shake, I couldn't look Colby in the eye. "I will not be doing that." I managed to keep my voice steady but as the words left my mouth I gagged.

"Audrey.." Sam pleaded with me. This wasn't supposed to go like this. We were supposed to talk it over, then I apologize for trying to sleep with Colby. Then it's done.

I wasn't supposed to tell Colby about my dad. "Sam, stop. Please, God." My chest was getting tighter, my breath, quickened.

I clutched my knees as I gasped for air, prying my lungs open for air to enter. God, the last time I had a panic attack was, fuck.

"Re? Re are you okay?" It was Colby, his voice was muffled, muted by my head. I felt tears starting to come to my eyes. Before I fell to the ground, I put myself there. Sinking onto the floor and gripping the coffee table.

"Sam- Sam why, why did you make me." My breathing was making me light headed, making me feel like I was going to pass out.

"I shouldn't have, you're healing. I'm sorry." I felt a warm hand on my back. Tears were freely falling from my eyes now, I hated myself.

I was fully pulled into him, lulled by his soothing voice and calm 'Shhh' noise. Soon after, I looked up at him, the idiot had tears in his eyes too.

"Can we go to bed?" He asked, his voice so small. I nodded in return. With that, he picked me up and we took off back to his room.

"Clothes, off me." They were sticking to my body because of the cold sweat. I started stripping, first my shirt and then my shorts, leaving me in just my underwear.

Sam's eyes were locked onto mine as he slid out of his own attire. Leaving him in just his boxers. I ran to him and slid my arms around his waist.

"Thank you, Sammy. You are always there for me, even when I do stupid shit. And even though what you did down there was horrible, I still love you." I mumbled into his chest. His grip around me tightened, picking me up and pulling my thighs up around his waist.

"Of course, Re. I'm sorry for being so stupid. I should have never hurt you like that. Let's sleep, I can't keep looking at you like this." I frown at the last bit of his response.

Turning to put me down, I smacked him in the face, re-gaining his attention. "Ow! What the hell?" He laughed. "What do you mean? Why can't you look at me like this? Am I ugly?" Sam laughed, but then got all serious on me.

"You just, God you make this hard. You are the complete opposite of ugly. You are so amazingly beautiful, Audrey. And with you like -" He gestured to my whole body, "that - I can't do it. You are straddling my hips right now and if i'm being so honest, it is taking all of my willpower not to get hard."

He finished, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Weirdly enough, that made me want to stay up here. I wanted to make him look at me like this.

"If you think i'm so beautiful, Sam, why didn't you just ask me to get off?" I asked, sounding more flirty than usual. He rolled his eyes at me, a light pink tint glowing on his cheeks.

"You really gonna make me answer that?" He asked. "Audrey, I really can't do this anymore." He groaned and let his head fall into the crook of my neck. Something grew under me, and thats when I knew I won.


Okay, maybe I want this to happen, maybe not.
Ash ❤️

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