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Short one today:)
No warnings

Snapping out of whatever flashback that was, Audrey got back into the drivers seat of her Honda and started driving.

There was a light bit of snow on the ground as she left the parking garage, smiling to herself remembering it was almost christmas. Audrey was 22 now and christmas has always been her favourite holiday. Her mother always used to get her a doll that looked almost identical to Audrey.

Same ginger locks, same blue eyes with many freckles with a slim body and her button nose. Audreys mother always said she was as beautiful as a button and will never ever forget it.

Audrey pulled into the back parking lot of the strip club and parked her car. She hopped out, realizing that she was one of the only people there. Along with her was Levi. Her and Levi were quite close and they always had a good time together. He was married to a beautiful girl named Ace.

She walked through the front doors and headed for the back of the business. Placing her coat on the rack as well as her scarf, she turned to see Levi.

"Hey buddy, why so early?" Levi asked, head tilted slightly to the left. "Woke up early and was freezing, the car turned off overnight." She giggled. Levi was the only living human alive today that knew about her living situation, making him swear on his life, his wife's and his dogs life never to tell anyone unless the cops were going to kill him.

Levi gave Audrey a sympathetic look while she just smiled brightly back at him. Audrey may not have the best living situation, but she was always happy to be in this building.

"Ree, you really can stay at my place, my guest house would love to be put to use." Audrey smiled, but for the 100th time, politely declined. She hated using other peoples things, it had always felt like a burden to her. She didn't want other's feeling that way either.

Levi turned on his heal, walking to the main bar of the place. He had always made the best drinks, which is why he is top bar tender in this industry. Audrey was a weightier and didn't mind it. It was very well paying and could some day get her a house.

Audrey heard the door bell chime and wonder who else was here this early.
"Hey hey! Is this the man? Levi Ackerman?"

A boy, not much older than Audrey, waltzed into the club like he owned the place. His black hair was short, but looked good. And his nose piercing and beautiful smile matched so well. Audreys eyes followed down the rest of his body to examine his clothes.

He had a black leather jacket that fit his arms perfectly and a white wife beater underneath. His skinny but slightly baggy black jeans matched with the outfit like they would any other. But his belt was bigger than normal, but still an average design. A box of cigarettes were hanging from his pocket. Audrey almost asked for one.

"Hey Cole! Long time no see Mr Kansas!" Levi went in for a hug, which Cole happily greeted. He must have felt Audrey's eyes on him because he made eye contact with her, making Audrey blush and hide her face.

"Hey, sorry for such the big introduction, Im Cole, but please, call me Colby."

Im excited to start getting more into this story:)
Words in book- 517
Words in general- 593

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