chapter 77 the almighty diamond

Start from the beginning

"Nice to see you schtu-ball!", Greg said, creeping up on him. this scared steven and made him jump back, "DAD!?", he yelled, "what are you doing here? I thought yellow imprisoned you and why are you in mum's room?", "blue threatened to blow up both ships if yellow didn't let us be together, and yellow was so scared, you should've seen her face!", Greg joked, laughing from the memory. "That's quite the overstatement, Mr universe", pearl said, coming out of the shadows, her hair above her eyes revealing fully all the hatred she had for that human man in her expression. "What really happened was that yellow wanted greg imprisoned on her own ship along with pink diamond and her pearl but blue was...not very happy her greg was being compared to such so demanded greg stay with her, yellow reluctantly agreed to avoid anymore conflict".

Greg smirked at pearl, "gosh you ruin everything", he walked out the room, "just let me tell the boy some tales, but you gotta ruin it all", he winked and left the door way. Pearl was shaking with rage, she couldn't take it anymore, for nearly twenty years she had dealt with that disgusting man using his relationship with blue diamond to just do what ever he wants, now that blue wasn't currently near them, she finally felt like she had the change to let off some steam she's been holding in ever since they met.

"OH, SHUT UP WILL YOU! FOR ONCE WILL YOU CLOSE THAT IDIOTIC MOUTH OF YOURS!", pearl yelled, as loud as she could, following greg down the hallway as she said it. Greg turned around shocked, "what did you just say to me?", he asked, he thought this would scare pearl, he'd used this tone on her before, it was the tone she nicknamed the "I'm telling blue", tone, he always used it when he felt invincible because of his control over her diamond, but now it didn't effect her at all.

She stood her ground, "YOU HEARD ME!" She continued, "YOU ARE SCUM! I HATE YOU! I ALWAYS HATED YOU!". Steven ran out of the room. He'd never heard pearl like this before, her voice was always so quiet, her screaming was something he'd never been able to imagine. he stood in between them, "guys!? What's going on?", he pleaded. "It doesn't matter", greg said, walking away, no one followed after him, Steven just looked at pearl, deep into her eyes, he knew there was something that caused all this, and it was probably deserved.

Steven and Pearl went back into Blue's room and stood near her bed. Pearl was distraught, after they walked back into the room she broke down into tears, she kept repeating herself, "I shouldn't have done that, I'm going to be replaced, I must be replaced", Steven tried to speak to her but she didnt respond and continued repeating herself. "You won't be replaced, I'm a diamond! I demand you won't be!", Steven told her, trying to cheer her up, instead she went stiff and saluted him, "thank you, my steven", she said, trying to keep her composer and going back to being robotic.

"Pearl, why do you and dad always seem so distant?", he asked, scaring her, as a pearl, her feelings weren't supposed to matter. Why would a diamond like him care for them? yet her diamond does, the two of them always did. "Did my dad do anything bad? You were there when they first met, you've been there since the start, you must know everything about dad and mum's relationship.", there was pain in Steven's voice, he feared even finishing his question. He feared finding out another secret of his father that would turn him into a monster.

"My steven", pearl began, fighting back more tears, "what that human did to your mother was unspeakable", she looked up to the posters of him that covered her diamond's room, "in her darkest times, when trapped within her grief, unable to work, to feel anything positive, he came to her, to her he seemed like a saviour but he took advantage of that immediately". Pearl sniffed loudly and wiped her eye, she was already crying so much but hadn't yet told Steven really anything, it was impossible to tell him it all, it was literally years worth.

"He knew of my diamond's immense power and used it to his advantage, he could do anything he wanted and use her as a guard, she loved him so much she obeyed him. If he told her to not notice me she would, if he told her to do degrading things she would, if he told her to become more and more human looking she would, if he-", the door to the room opened and there stood blue diamond, she was looking down confused, pearl was in the corner crying while steven watched.

"What's going on here!?", blue asked with concern. Pearl turned around, horrified, fearing greg told her some lie about her lashing out, and now blue was going to kill her for this. "MY DIAMOND- I..", pearl broke down again, falling to her knees and crying, eventhough she could only cry out of one eye it was the most tears blue had ever seen a gem (who was not effected bt her powers) produce. "Why are you crying, pearl!?", blue asked, kneeling down to see her, Steven didn't know what to do, he just watched, it felt wrong, he wanted to read her mind to understand the whole thing without her needing to retell it but wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do.

"I'm a horrible pearl! you must replace me my diamond! You must!", pearl said between sobs and gaps, "What!? Never!? We've been together since I was so young!", blue picked up her pearl in her arms and laid her down on her hairloop, shed always do this with people she liked, eventhough she saw the hairloop as a curse and ridiculous it did have some cool uses. "I'd never leave you! No matter what, how could I replace you!? Are you forgetting all the memories we have together? You're more than just a pearl!", blue herself was now feeling quite emotional from seeing her close friend in such a state.

"Mum?", Steven asked, looking up to his mother as she tried to comfort pearl, "Yeah, steven?", blue asked, when pearl noticed this her crying immediately stopped and she crawled out the hairloop, "apologises my steven for getting in the way of your conversation with your mother", she said, making blue put her back down on the ground and walking out the room, leaving steven and blue together. "We need to talk", Steven said, watching the doors close as Pearl walked out.

As pearl left the room, she felt the tears forming again, making her right eye go all blurry, she tried to look to the floor to fight them off, closing her eye and cringing to try and stop but it was no use, it also got rid of all her awareness of her surroundings, making her bump into someone. "Oh my!", pearl said, looking up nervously and bowing, "forgive me for my carelessness.", "whats going on?", lapis asked. It was her who pearl bumped into. "Oh...nothing, I'm just feeling very defective today", pearl responded, putting her hair over her eyes to hide the tears.

"Defective? What did you do? And are you crying?", lapis asked, moving Pearl's hair off her eyes again."You are crying. What's going on?". Pearl looked away, "it's easier to tell to another gem than to someone as young as my steven," she muttered, "then what is it? You don't need to tell me out in the open. Me, amethyst and Holly blue are all able to stay in these small cells, you can tell me there", she guided pearl to her cell, at first pearl didn't want to follow but soon after she bowed her head and agreed, seeing lapis being possibly the only person she'd be able to fully tell her story to.

"What is it? Is it about pearl? I'm really worried about her?", blue asked Steven, concern in her voice. "It's something else, it's about white diamond," Steven replied, "white....", blue repeated quietly, taking some steps back then trying to compose herself. "What do you want to know about white diamond?", blue tried to hide the fear in her voice. "Who is she? Everyone seems so scared when I mention her. Every time i ask about her, it just gets more confusing. " blue looked away and out her window, looking west to a far away planet she could barely see but automatically recognised.

"White is the almighty diamond, the eldest. But she's also the scariest", "yellow kinda said the same thing", "I pray you never meet her", blue looked back to steven, her tone very serious, "and you won't, we are changing directions, I told yellow we are looking for a new colony when really, I'm going to show you something, something very Important", she smiled at him then left the room, going to the control pad, she looked through her maps and smirked as she saw it appear, the planet crecendolia.

"There you are!", yellow yelled over the diamond line, "I've been waiting for you to get here and show me the damn directions to this fish planet for what seems like eons now!", blue laughed at this, "don't worry, I've got it all figured out now, follow me perfectly", yellow nodded and got her ship ready.

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