Blind Date - Lena Luthor

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Moving to National City was never the plan. Falling in love wasn't the plan. Yet now she finds herself in a massive apartment in National City and in the bed of what could easily be the love of her life but let's reviewed to three months ago.

Y/n grew up in Midvale and didn't really have many friends until the last year of high school. That's when she meets Kara Danvers. That year they were inseparable. They did everything together before they decided to go to different colleges and lost most of their contact. A few letters were exchanged as well as a few phone calls throughout the years but neither of them ever expects to see the other person again. So, when Y/n on a random day catches Kara's eyes from across a cosy coffee shop you can only imagine the surprise on her face.

The two decide to meet up after Kara is done at work and in a short week, they are back to being close friends like they were before but maybe not best friends considering both of the women has find different people to fill that role.

On one rainy Wednesday Kara finds herself sitting on Y/n's comfy couch sipping some wine. "So, you're telling me that this very attractive man who your best friend loves from some movie comes up to you asking for your number and before you can answer he slips and falls face first at your feet?!?!" Kara exclaims at Y/n's very good story from a few years back.

"Yea, it was hilarious. When he got up, he was so embarrassed he turned around and left before I could find anything to say."

"You missed out a date with an attractive man because he fell. That's sad." Kara says as she swallows the last of her red wine.

"Not really. I would have told him no anyway".

"What, why? You said he was hot".

"He wasn't my type and at the time I was kind of talking to this person, but it didn't work out." Y/n says shrugging her shoulder and pulling her legs up under her on the couch.

"So, no one in your life?" Kara asks with a small smirk. She loves this. Especially if there are some juicy details.

"No, I'm not really good at relationships."

"Are you still as awkward about it as you were in high school." Kara chuckles a bit remembering how Y/n avoided relationships like they were lava on the floor.

"No actually but I have found out why I was so weird about them back them. Turns out it was probably because I'm homosexual and sapiosexual. I didn't relate to all the other girls who desperately wanted a boyfriend." Y/n explains.

"You're what now?" Kara asks confused putting down her empty glass.

"A homosexual. That's when you li..."

"Oh no no. I know what that means. My sister is a lesbian. The other think sapi something."

"Oh sapiosexual. It's when you're attracted to intelligent people or if someone shows intelligent it's seen as hot or attractive. Most people haven't heard of it which is why I tend to stay away from dating because people think it's weird or strange or disgusting or whatever. It's easier to just be alone." Y/n shrugs her shoulders and curls up just the slightest but Kara notices it and realizes the woman is feeling extremely vulnerable.

"I have never heard of it and that doesn't really make sense to me but I'm happy you have found who you are. It's sad that you aren't dating though. You should be out there no matter what other people think. You're too beautiful to me single."

Y/n decides to move on from the topic, while a small blush spreads on her cheeks, and instead asks Kara about her love life. The night continues smoothly and an hour later Kara's laying in her own bed thinking about what Y/n said. How she doesn't date just because other people find her sexual orientation to be weird. It makes her want to help like she always does but when she thinks about it, she does know a very smart woman who needs to get back into dating.

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