Prom Date - Sadie Sink

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Y/n's POV
I practically ran out the classroom when the bell rang. I quickly opened my locker making it bang against the one next to mine. "Why so excited" Billy, my best friend, asked me

"Sadie is back. She landed 2 this morning"

"Sooo your going to go bother her when she probably wants to sleep" She asks pulling a book out his locker two down from me

"I'm not going to bother her. I'm her girlfriend. I couldn't even if I tried and she's probably not sleeping. She slept on the plan because that girl can't stay up past 10 to save her life"

"Okey. Sure. What ever you say" We then both turned around to leave but are stopped by Ben a guy in our Math class

"Hi?" Billy say making him turn his head to him before he turns his head back to me looking up at me because he is short short

He pulls a single flower from behind his back and his friend hand him a poster that reads 'Will you go to prom with me'

I sight before speaking. "I'm sorry but no Ben" He gives me an understanding nod before he walk back to his friends who pat his back

"Dude. That's the fifth guy who has asked you to prom and you still don't have a date. Ever thought of saying yes"

"Bill. Seriously. Jack and Jonas is two assholes and they wouldn't have asked if there girlfriends wouldn't have dumped them this last month. Peter is the biggest nerd and has no humor. Which is important. Ben is like barely 5 feet. I'm 5 10 that would look a little to off even for me and last Morgan is sweet and all but he would totally forget me and go of with his friends. And the biggest reason of them all. I'm gay. With a girlfriend"

"So you going to ask Sadie then or what?"

"I want to but she is so busy with work and going to a high school prom isn't really that exciting" I say as I get into Billy's car

"You should at least try. It would be so funny to see everyone's faces to you pulling up with a girlfriend and on top of that a movie star"

"You know she is more then a movie star"

"I know but not to everyone who doesn't know her. Now you have to try. Just let it out a little and see how she reacts" I look at the guy who always talks me into doing dumb stuff but this might actually be a good thing

He dropped me of outside of the Sink household and walked up to the door knocking and it didn't take long until Lori Sadie's mother opened the door. "Ohh. Nice to see you again y/n"

"The same Lori. Is Sadie home?"

"Yea. I think is is in her room so you can go find her" I give her a thankful smile as I step past her and take my shoes of before I walk up the stairs and into Sadie's room

"Mom. What have a said about knocking on the door" She say as she puts a shirt away

"Sorry. I can go out and knock" I say putting my bag down next to to now closed door

"Y/n" She say spinning around as a smile makes its way to her face. I open my arms as we crash into each other for a long awaited hug

"How was LA" I ask as I kiss her head with is buried in my chest and the hoodie I'm wearing

"It was good had a good time with the cast but I missed you" She say as she wraps her arms around my neck and I pick her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist

"Well that's nice to hear and I missed you too. Like crazy" The smile one her face is beaming but I'm pretty sure mine is the same

She then pulls me into a sweet kiss as we both savor the feeling we have been missing for the last month. Her hands find themselves tangled in my hair as mine move from her thighs to her ass as the sweet kiss turns into a passionate make out. My tongue shoved into her mouth as I explored it like it was the first time all over again

We are rudely interrupted tho because one of her brothers opens the door. "Hands of my sister y/n" He say and with out thinking I just put my hands in the air and pull away making Sadie's legs fall down and she takes her hands out my hair

"You have got yourself a submissive little thing" He jokes making my blush and look at the floor

"For fuck sake Caleb. Knock next time and don't talk like that. Now what did you want?" She say as she goes back to putting her hoodie back into her closet

"Dad has made dinner. You can eat to if you want y/n" He goes to leave but just before he close the door he speaks up again. "No fucking under the table tho"

"FUCK YOU!!!" Sadie screams after him as she sight looking at me. "I'm sorry about him"

"It's fine but we should go before they actually think we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves"

The dinner was good and the food was even better as always now we found ourselves on her bed cuddle. "So what has happened since a left" She asks as she lay her head on my chest

"Well Billy went out with this 23 year old. Didn't go so well for him so now he asked Nicole to prom and surprisingly she said yes. The rest is pretty boring"

"No one has asked you to prom"

"Five guys"

"And are you going with anyone of them" She asks looking at me

"No" I say kissing her nose. "I wanted to ask if you would...go with prom. If your free obviously. I know you have to work and you might not even be here in three weeks and you totally have more important things to do and..."

Her lips shut me up and when she pulls away she looks lovingly at me. "It would be an honor to be your prom date"

And people were surprised just like Billy said. First that I was into women but also that I have a very good looking, totally stunning and very charming girlfriend and I enjoyed the night I hope Sadie did to and that was what she told me the next morning when I woke up with her wrapped in my arms

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