Punching Doors Down - Kara Danvers

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Y/n's POV
"Don't you look nice" I say sliding into Kara's kitchen while buttoning up with shirt. I small blush spread on her face as she fixes her glasses and flips a pancake

I place a kiss on her cheek before opening the fridge and grab the orange juice. A pour two glasses and place them on the counter before walking back over to her. I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss the side of her neck

"Want to come by my place after work today? We could watch a movie or something" She puts another pancake on the plate to the side before pouring more batter in the pan

"I can't. Supergirl is busy tonight"

"Something the police should know about or I should be worried about"

"No. Just a bit of training and planing for another mission"

"Good" I say placing another kiss on her neck, love the blush that appears. "Because wouldn't want to spend the night worrying"

"I can take care of myself you know"

"I do know and that's one of the things I like about you but even the girl of steel needs support sometimes" She gets the last pancake out of the pan before turning the stove off

She turns around in my arms and faces me. "And I have a great group of people who supports me when I need it. You included" I pull her into a soft kiss which quickly turns not so soft and pull her closer

I pull away for some air and to see her blush. I love when she does that. It's adorable. "You don't need these when you're with me you know" I say taking her glasses off. "They're in the way when I want to kiss you"

I pull her in again and we stumble towards the couch. I fall onto it pulling her on top of me as we continue to kiss deeply. My hands slide up the backside of her thighs and in under her skirt when there is a knock on her door

"Don't bother" Kara whisper out against me lisp. "It's probably just the neighbor coming to complain again"

"We weren't even that loud last night" I say before connecting our lips again, our tongues dancing together in a hot and steamy kiss

We are interrupted when a loud bang rings through the apartment and the door is kicked in. Kara pulls away and looks up before jumping off of me and trying to fix her skirt and hair quickly

I turn around, still laying on the couch, to see a woman pointing a gun at me with two men standing behind her. "Put the gun down Alex" Kara starts but the brown haired woman does listen

"Who are you" She says in a demanding voice as she walks closer to me

"Woah woah woah" I say sitting up on the couch with my hands in the air

"Don't you ever dare to even think about putting you hands up my sister skirt again" She says hands still tight around the gun. Clearly she knows what's she's doing

"You can't really stop me from doing it as long as I have her consent and she's over 18. Which she is" I say putting my hands down and standing up

"Alex put the gun down" Kara says again and after a few seconds of silence she does as told. "Alex this is my girlfriend y/n and babe this is Alex my sister. That's James and that's Winn" She point to the three people and the guy named James raises his hand in a small wave

"When you told me you were supergirl you said you weren't gay" Winn speaks up. Probably with out thinking because both Alex and James turns to him and try's to shut him up

"What the fuck dude" Alex exclaims

"It's fine" I say waving it off. "I already know"

"What" Alex exclaims again. "You told her"

"She kinda figured it out plus I trust her. She wouldn't tell anyone" Kara reassures

"And to your statement Winn. All noddles are straight until you get them wet" That ears me a dirty look from Alex and a punch in the arm from Kara before she moves to our now barely hot breakfast

"Now, why did you guys have to kick my door down. Again" Kara asks as she places some pancakes on her plate

"Well you were supposed to send me a message when you got home last night. Which you didn't do. You missed breakfast with Winn and James. So we got worried because might not always be on time but you always show up" Alex explains

"So we tried to call and you didn't answer and last time we couldn't reach you, you had a what was it called"Winn continues

"Black mercy" James fills in

"Yes a black mercy growing out of your chest"

"Oh fuck. Do you know where my phone went last night y/n" Kara asks as she stabs some pancakes with a fork

"Probably under the bed or in the fridge. Wait yeah it in the fridge" I open the metal box and sure as hell there it is. "It dead though and really cold"

"How in the world did that end up there. You're always so put together Kara" James ask

"Yeah well I was..." She cuts herself of and a deep blush spreads across her face making her look down to hide it

"She got distracted" I just say earning me another  not so friendly look from my girlfriend's sister. I plate myself some pancakes before sitting down next to Kara

"So what do you do y/n?" Winn asks a bit awkwardly but something tells me that just the way he is

"I'm a cop"

"She a detective. That's so cool right" Kara continues smiling like crazy but Winn just answer with a hesitant nod

"Okey. We should probably get going now that we know you're fine" James says walking towards the door

"Yeah probably. We will see you at work Kara" Winn says and they make there way to the door Alex silently following them

When the door closes I let out a small breath. "Something tells me that your sister did not like me" I say as I take a sip of my juice

"It's fine. It takes her a while to warm up to people sometimes and it probably didn't help that she walk in on us you know" She waves her hand around in the couch direction

I laugh a little at her shyness before finishing the last of my food. "So is supergirl business tomorrow night too or just tonight"

"I don't know. Probably but if something happens I'm gonna have to leave" She says putting her plate in the dishwasher

"I know and that's totally reasonable since that also goes the other way around. If someone were to commit a brutal murder I would also have to run"

We finish getting ready to head to our separate jobs while small talking. "So just text me so time today so I know Cat hasn't killed you" I joke

"She couldn't even is she tried" Kara says

"I know" I give her a sweet kiss before leaving her apartment and making my way back to the street and my car but no before looking up and seeing Kara jump out her window flying of to grab Cats coffee before work

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