The Car Door Thing - Lucy Chen

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Y/n's POV
"Morning baby" I hear as I slowly open my eyes. When they get use to the lit up bedroom I smile at the girl next to me

"Hi" I say back and move to sit up still very tired from being a bit tipsy last night. We got a bit carried away with the drinking. "What's the time?" I ask looking down at her with a big smile on my face

"I don't..." She cut of thought by a knock on the door making me tense up

"I have made breakfast and a cup of coffee Lucy" He roommate Jackson say through the door

"Two seconds. I just have to find a shirt" Lucy answer scrambling out of bed. "Get under the bed" She whisper yells at me as I stumbled up and lay on the floor moving myself under.

At least it's clean.

I can see her feet as she opens the door and in steps Jackson. "You feeling okey. I could here you stumble in last night. You did not seem sober with all the talking you did to yourself" I can only assume he hands her a cup of coffee

"Yea. Just a small headache. Probably drank a beer or two to much" She answers as she moves to her closet going through it

"Since when do you own a hat?"

Fuck. The rest of my clothes is probably visible somewhere in the room

"Uhh...I got it last week. The guy said a got it for free if I bought three par of shoes and haven't put it away yet" She's so good at lying it's crazy. "Well I have to shower and change. So would you mind exiting my room"

"Yes ma'am. Breakfast is ready when you're done. We do have to leave in 30 minutes so don't take to long" Then he walks out and close the door so I can pull myself out from under the bed and up to my feet

"Can I please have a sip of coffee or I might die" I say sitting on the bed. She hand me the cup as she throws a shirt on the bed

"I will get ready and leave it's Jackson then you can shower and get ready before leaving. I will give you my spare key so you can lock the apartment"

"Sure but can I have a good morning kiss now. You kinda forgot before you roommate came and interrupted" I say with cheeky smile

She smiles just as cheeky at me as she bends down and kisses me. I grab her jaw softly as she tries to pull away. I pull her closer so she almost fall on top of me. "We both know if we don't stop now I will be late for work and that can't happen" She says before she disappears into the bathroom

I scroll on my phone as I wait for her to get ready and when she's done she comes walking out dressed and ready for work. "You're going to have to leave the hat here just so you know. If that's gone in less then a week he is going to wonder what has gotten into me considering I don't really organize my stuff so live with out it"

"Yea sure now give me one last kiss before you run away to arrest people

"That is not the only thing I'm doing" She says as she walks over to me

"Well how would I know that. I'm just a business woman"

"I'm pretty sure you know better then that" Then she kisses me softly. "Hide in the bathroom until we leave and I will call you tonight"

"Yes boss" And then I disappear into the
bathroom and she into the kitchen


It had been a few weeks since the whole hiding from Jackson incident when I got a few quick texts from Lucy

I was playing Minecraft and stuffing face with cheese balls when my phone when of. First once. Then twice. When a third text came through with in the span of 30 seconds I picked it up to see that all three was from Lucy and before I had got my phone open another two had reached me

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