Woman - Gal Gadot

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Y/n's POV
Warm arms were wrapped around me as I woke up. Sun was shining into the bedroom through the small gaps between the curtain and the wall. One of them landing right in my face making me groan and turn around. The strong and tanned arms only pulling me closer into a spooning position

"Your finally awake baby" Gal's soft yet raspy morning voice whispers into me neck making it tickle a bit. I just hum In response to tired from the week I have had

And last night. But last night was very nice. My work week wasn't.

"What do you want for breakfast" She then asks when she realizes she won't get a response from me

I turn in her arms facing her. Our faces less then an inch apart. "Can't we just stay here and not worry about breakfast or anything else that's not important" I say capturing her lips with mine in a soft kiss

"Food is quite important baby. You will starve without it. I thought cops new that" She jokes before kissing me again. A bit longer this time

"I ate you last night. So I think I'm fine for now" I joke making her chuckle against my lips as I roll onto my back and she follows on top of me. Resting on her strong arms so she doesn't put all her weight on me

We continue to kiss softly as my hands feel the soft skin of her arms. The sun lighting up the room just enough to give it a calm feeling

"Thank you for last night" I say between kisses. "I really needed to get my mind of work and just think about something else. Something a bit distracting you know" I say smiling

"I'm distracting" She teases as she kiss my neck with feather light kisses

"Very. You are extremely distracting in all situations" I respond as I relax into the mattress. This woman really do make wonders with that mouth

"Like when?" She is enjoying this way to much but I don't care. You wouldn't either if she was kissing your neck they way she is kissing mine

"Like when you're playing video games or when you're trying to read a book or when you have paper work to do or when you're working out and just like all the times we are in the same room. You are really nice to look at"

"Thank you baby. I could say the same about you. Especially when I distract you and you get all cute and frustrated. Love to look at you then" This woman knows nothing but teasing

I push her of me smiling shyly as she falls next to me. One of her arms laying across my stomach as she puts her front against my side and then we just lay there in comfortable silence

That's the best thing about Gal. We don't really need to talk to have a good time or feel comfortable. We can just be and everything is perfect anyway. Her presence just takes me down to earth and calms me which is probably why I fell in love with her in the first place.

She doesn't know about the in love part yet tho. I have been to scared to tell her but it's fine. She's going to know someday.

"Hey Gal" I say looking at the ceiling


"You know how I'm a cop and how I put myself at risk and all that" She nods into my side. "Well I wanted to apologize for not showing up to our date last week. I know you said it was fine but I feel bad about it"

"It was fine babe" She doesn't get to finish what she wants to say because I interrupt

"The thing with being a cop is that you are almost never completely of work. I can get called in at almost anytime. In the middle of a day off or in the middle of the night which makes things hard sometimes. Some calls I might not even have time to tell you what's going on and it kinda ruined my last relationship because she always thought I canceled so I wouldn't have to see her and I don't want to make the same mistake with you because a really like you. Like a lot and I'm finally really happy and I want it to last baby" I say looking at her face

"I totally understand. Your job requires you to jump in at unusual times and that's fine. I understand if you sometimes have to take the night shift or have to cancel a date. I'm probably going to do the same. Sometimes my shoots take way longer then what we thought and sometimes me shot during night. It's totally fine we just need to communicate but we are adults and we can do that right" God she is so understanding

"Yea" I say kissing her. When we pull away she is smiling. "You're probably the first every real woman I have date" She chuckles at my statement. "They were all woman or girls but they acted like girls or teenagers or what you would call it. You're like grown up and knows how to be an adult. It's really attractive by the way. So keep it up" I say smiling at my awkwardness

"Thank you babe and I will keep it up. I will keep being a woman" She says kissing me passionately

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